Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1324: Does Mrs. Su think I have to lie to you (seven more)

How can such a mother and daughter be called a wealthy wife? It's a market shrew at all! Especially this Miss Su Jia, there really is no such thing as a daughter!

"Mrs. Su, Miss Su, I'm just talking nonsense here without any evidence, and I can count on you as a person."

Madam Shi couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

The mother and daughter definitely didn't know that Qin Tianyue could tell fortunes, so they said so.

"Mrs. Shi, An Xin's jewelry and I were stolen. If she didn't know, how could she say that here?"

Madam Shi did not give her face so much, and Sang Qiu would never be polite.

Madam Shi dares to talk nonsense outside, and she can also find a way to restore her own image, anyway, there are only four of them now, is she still afraid of others?

Madam Shi couldn't help but sneered, "I also said that it was Tianyue's mother, who didn't even know about Tianyue's fortune-telling, and actually wronged her here, even if she didn't know that she could fortune-telling, shouldn't you believe your daughter as a mother? Instead of wronging her casually."

As a mother, Sangqiu is totally unqualified. If her daughter is by her side, she can't wait to give her the best of her own. How could she be wronged if she does not say that she would rather never give birth to her? How could there be any in this world? Such a ruthless mother is really ashamed of a woman.

It seems that in the future, many people should know the true face of Sang Qiu.

"What are you talking about? You talk nonsense! How could she tell a fortune?"

Su Anxin couldn't help retorting loudly when she heard Madam Shi's words.

What nonsense is this Mrs. Shi talking about, what fortune telling? Can't you find anything to say?

How could a woman like Qin Tianyue be fortune-telling, apart from working for others and being someone else's lover?

Sang Qiu calmly smiled and said with a cold voice, "Mrs. Shi, you want to get away for her, shouldn't it be such a bad excuse?!"

Is she a fortune-telling daughter who hasn't seen each other in more than ten years? how is this possible?

Where does she have the ability to tell fortune-telling? In this world, apart from that Master Xiao, there is still some ability, how can anyone really tell fortune-telling?

By the way, Qin Jian'an's father and Qin Tianyue's grandfather seemed to have been a magic stick, did she learn from the old undead?

That old immortal is a lie at all, even if Qin Tianyue learns with him, it is also a lie, Madam Shi must have been cheated by her!

"Does Mrs. Su think I need to lie to you?"

Madam Shi couldn't help but speak. Does this Madam Su think she has to lie to her? They are not familiar!

"Mrs. Shi, Tianyue’s grandfather is indeed a sacred cudgel in the village, but he is not at all fake, so don’t believe her. I haven’t been by her side these years. I may have developed a lot of bad habits for her. So, Madam Shi, you might be fooled!"

Sang Qiu said in a deep voice, his eyes falling on Qin Tianyue's expression, with a cold light.

She was sure that Qin Tianyue and Madam Shi did not know each other before, and the two did not even say a word at the banquet. Now Madam Shi is speaking for Qin Tianyue. Could it be that the two had talked in the back garden just now? Maybe Qin Tianyue pretended to be Madam Shi. She was fooled by her life.

She now reminded Mrs. Shi to ask Mrs. Shi not to be fooled. Maybe Mrs. Shi would not stand by Qin Tianyue's side.

Madam Shi's eyes fell on Qin Tianyue, with a glint in her eyes.

Qin Tianyue's delicate lips raised slightly, and there was no panic in her eyes. Instead, she was calm and composed. She could understand the meaning of Madam Shi's eyes on her body. After all, the two met for the first time, and it was reasonable to doubt her.

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