Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1330: Shouldn't be gotten by that ugly monster (five shift)

"I met an ugly monster at Grandpa Lu's banquet. We heard Master Mo say that he was the person in his heart, and that ugly monster was actually his sweetheart!"

Su Anxin whispered, God knows that when she knows about it, she can’t eat or sleep well. Who would have thought that the person she hated would suddenly become Lord Mo’s sweetheart, so that they didn’t dare to provoke, and didn’t dare to provoke him anymore. Go to her to settle the account, but can only swallow the hatred into the stomach.

That woman hasn't appeared in a long time, isn't it in the capital?

"What did you say?"

Yun Zhixi couldn't help grasping Su Anxin's hand with an ugly expression.

Su Anxin said that Lord Mo's sweetheart is ugly? He really has a sweetheart, isn't he lying to her?

Is that woman still ugly? Why would he rather look at an ugly monster than look at himself?

"Sister Yun, what I said is true, that woman is really an ugly monster, and I don't know why Lord Mo would like her!"

Su Anxin said aggrievedly, she could feel Yun Zhixi being angry, but she didn't understand why she was angry.

Today's Yun Zhixi is a bit abnormal compared to usual. The mention of Mo Yishen seems to be a little more excited than before. Hearing her offended Mo Yishen, his expression became cold.

As if thinking of something, Su Anxin looked at Yun Zhixi in disbelief, "Sister Yun, do you like... Lord Mo?!"

She always knew that Yun Zhixi had a sweetheart, but she didn't know who it was.

Once heard Yun Zhixi mentioned, she said that her sweetheart is the best man in the world, could it be Lord Mo?

After being exposed by Su Anxin, Yun Zhixi's expression flashed in embarrassment, because no one in this world knew that she liked Mo Yishen, except for her family. She couldn't ask for that man. Su Anxin knew that she didn't know how Su Anxin would think of herself.

She is such a noble woman who can't get the deepest ink, but now she is gotten by an ugly monster.

"Sister Yun, if you like Master Mo, you should fight for it. You shouldn't get it by that ugly monster. She is inferior to you in everything!"

Su Anxin persuaded Yun Zhixi, wishing that Yun Zhixi would be with Mo Yishen now. If they were together, maybe there would be no accident in her Su family.

"do not talk!"

Yun Zhixi's expression is not pretty, she can't accept that she is not as good as an ugly monster. Didn't she fight for it? She has fought for so many years, he has never seen himself!

Su Anxin was taken aback by Yun Zhixi's appearance. This time she clearly saw Yun Zhixi's gloomy expression. She didn't make a mistake just now. Her sister Yun would also have a temper. It seems she used to watch it. wrong.

"Sorry, peace of mind, I feel a little sick today."

Yun Zhixi looked at the banquet somewhere, seeing that the banquet was about to end, she didn't want to stay any longer, because she was afraid that she would not be able to control her temper.

Su Anxin smiled reluctantly, "Sister Yun, go back and rest first."

Yun Zhixi nodded, did not look at Su Anxin again, and left after greeting the Shen family.

The banquet was almost over and everyone had already left. Yun Jingxing and Yun Yao knew that Yun Zhixi had left first, glanced at Mo Yishen, and greeted Mr. Shen and followed.

Almost all the guests have left, and Mr. Shen glanced at Mo Yishen, who had not been doing anything in surprise.

Mo Yishen didn't move. The old man Shen and Shen Yichuan who was sitting beside him couldn't say anything, so they could only chat with Mo Yishen.

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