Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1333: I just want to dance with you (eight shifts)

"Believe you, don't believe him!"

Qin Tianyue shook his head and laughed, with playful eyes, stretched out his fingers to deepen his heart, "I think you don't believe me!"

He looked jealous at first glance, even if it didn't show up, she could see it clearly.

Qin Tianyue's hand was placed on Mo Yishen's heart. Mo Yishen grabbed her hand and drew her to him fiercely. The hot kiss fell lingeringly, not giving her the slightest chance to escape.

In order to dispel the sullenness in someone's heart, Qin Tianyue tried his best to respond with deep ink. After a long time, he couldn't help but push him away, "Enough!"

There is still a driver in front. Isn't he afraid of others hearing it? She didn't want to be laughed at.

Mo Yishen encircled Qin Tianyue's waist, trying to calm his own desires.

"Don't seduce me in the future."

The deep and **** voice sounded, and deep light flashed through Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes.

Qin Tianyue refrained from laughing, and blinked innocently, "How can you seduce you, it's obviously your own thoughts!"

She is innocent, okay, she just looked at him more and was said to seduce him. She didn't seduce him. Besides, it is impossible to seduce this man in the car if she wants to seduce!

He is shameless, she wants it!

"You said you didn't seduce? Huh?!"

Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes deepened, and with a hot light, he pulled her to his thigh to sit down, and the familiar clear breath poured into the tip of her nose, making her almost unable to breathe.

His handsome face slowly approached her, and Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand and pushed forward feebly, "Obviously you want to seduce me, and say I seduce you?"

"Just let me stay away from Lu Jingyi, I also want to say you are a little farther away from Yun Zhixi, don't think I didn't see her wanting to dance with you!"

She has never danced with him, how dare Yun Zhixi?

Mo Yi's face was deep, "No!"


"I didn't dance with her."

Mo Yishen's expression was slightly cold, and Phoenix eyes kept looking at Qin Tianyue, pressing her to the seat and locking her tightly, "I only want to dance with you."

He will not have a relationship with any woman, he only wants to have a relationship with her, even if he dances together, he only wants to dance with her.

Qin Tianyue stretched out his arm to embrace Mo Yi's deep and strong waist, and couldn't help but lay down in his arms and laughed, "What are you doing so serious as a joke?"

At the banquet, she could see clearly. He didn’t take a second look at Yun Zhixi. If Yun Jingxing and Yun Yao hadn’t stopped Yun Zhixi, Yun Zhixi must have been embarrassed at the banquet. , But she knew that the man in front of her would not take a second look at any woman except for her tenderness.

Yun Zhixi really got in touch with Mo Yishen, and she must be the one who was humiliated in the end.

She believed in the man in front of her, in his heart for herself.

The car slowly stopped, Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked down. Qin Tianyue looked at the night sky. At some unknown time, there was a little snow outside, and the color of the snow under the street lights became more beautiful and stunning.

"I'm going in!"

Qin Tianyue glanced at Mo Yishen and said in a low voice, he kept holding her hand, she didn't know what he was going to do?

Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand with his right hand and glanced at Qin Tianyue, "Let's dance a dance."

Qin Tianyue's expression was slightly taken aback, "Dancing?"

Dancing on a snowy day outside in such a cold day?

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