Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1349: Just ask if you have anything (eight more)

Before coming here, Mo Xiao knew about the situation here and had already ordered people to buy fresh ingredients.

"No, these are enough, Mo Xiao, you have worked hard too, let's go to dinner with everyone first, don't worry about us."

Qin Tianyue's figure from far to near, standing behind Mo Xiao said softly.

When Mo Yishen left, she didn't want to be alone in the room, so she might as well come out.

Mo Yishen's slender body turned around, frowning and looking at Qin Tianyue, "Didn't you let you rest?"

Mo Xiao respectfully nodded towards Qin Tianyuemo, and left silently. His wife came, and he didn't need to stay here any longer.

"Take a rest later!"

Ignoring Mo Yishen, Qin Tianyue strode towards him, glanced at the food in the kitchen, smiled slightly, "Let’s eat noodles, it’s been a long time."


Mo Yishen let out a deep hmm, and turned around to prepare.

Qin Tianyue stepped forward to help, but Mo Yishen squeezed her hands, preventing her from being in the kitchen.

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishenxin's long and sturdy back, staring at his busy slender hands, and the smile on Qin Tianyue's lips never fell.

A small cough sounded not far from the next door, and Qin Tianyue tilted his head to look, thinking about it, and wanted to get out of the kitchen.

Standing in front of the door of the old woman's room, Qin Tianyue knocked on the door politely.


The old woman sounded a little alert. She was always afraid of Mo Xiao and others. For so many years, she had never seen such a terrible group of people. Even if they gave her a lot of money, she was still afraid.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and the old woman who was going to rest had to beware of fear.

"Old man!"

With a soft voice, Qin Tianyue knew what the old woman was afraid of.

There was a sound of silence in the room, followed by footsteps, and soon the door was slowly opened from inside.

"Girl, what's the matter?"

The old woman opened half the door and asked in a low voice.

Qin Tianyue raised a coquettish smile and said softly, "Old man, I want to ask you something, I don't know if I can come in."

It was so cold outside, she couldn't let this old man stand outside with her.

The old man nodded hesitantly and opened the door, "The house is a little shabby, don't mind."

"Will not!"

Qin Tianyue followed the old man into the room. The old man took a bench and handed it to Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue was also welcome to sit on the bench.

"Girl, just ask if you have anything."

The old woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, her wrinkled face with questions and some alertness.

This girl was in the same group with those people, and the group of people was so terrible, she was afraid that Qin Tianyue only looked gentle on the surface, but was actually not a good person.

"Old man, don't be afraid, we are not bad guys."

Seeing the vigilance and fear in the eyes of the old woman, Qin Tianyue said softly, "The reason why we are here is for the two Chinese doctors who came here a few days ago."

"Two Chinese doctors?"

The old woman looked at Qin Tianyue carefully, "Do you really know those two young doctors in China?"

The two came from other places. I heard that they came from a genius doctor. After a few days of coming here, they cured many of the elderly and children in the village. The villagers treated both of them very well. very polite.

If the girl in front of you is really the relatives of the two Chinese doctors, then she doesn't need to be afraid.

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