Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1351: I must save them (two more)

Later, a man full of scars escaped in a trance, telling them dying that there were zombies in Pingyin Village, and those zombies killed their people.

Immediately afterwards, the zombie incident in Pingyin Village was reported.

People in Pingyin Village are panicked. Pingyang Village is affected, and many people are also afraid. They are afraid that the zombies from Pingyin Village will come to Pingyang Village.

"Old man, don't worry, we will be fine. We must rescue them. Even if they are two dead bodies, we must take them back."

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes darkened slightly, his eyes cold.

She knew that Huating and Hua Mingsheng hadn't had an accident yet. She didn't want to delay the time to save people, but she couldn't go to Pingyin Village now.

"No, that place is really scary. Everyone didn't come back. I heard that there were zombies in it. Many people in Pingyin Village ran away. Only some old and weak women and children and a small number of young and middle-aged villagers remained. "

The old woman tried to persuade Qin Tianyue and others not to die. Since this girl is the relatives of the two Chinese doctors, she must also be a kind-hearted person. If she really is a kind-hearted person, she doesn't want them to die.

Pingyin Village is now a forbidden place. It is a terrible place. Something will happen to them if they go there.

"In any case, I must save them. They haven't had an accident yet. If I don't save them, they will definitely have an accident."

Qin Tianyue patted the old woman's hand. Because of worry, the old woman was a little excited and couldn't help coughing.

Qin Tianyue took the pulse for the old woman, knowing that this is an old problem, and took out a pill from his pocket, "Old man, take this pill, so your body will be better."

The old woman took Qin Tianyue's pill and thanked her repeatedly. After taking the pill that Qin Tianyue gave her, she soon felt a lot better in her body.

"Thank you girl, thank you!"

Her body is old and sick, and she can't help coughing as long as it is cold.

"No thanks, old man, you can rest first."

Qin Tianyue said softly to the old woman, his eyes fell outside the door, where Mo Yishen's figure did not know when to stand there, quietly looking at her.

The old woman grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand and said eagerly again, "There are zombies in Pingyin Village, and that Death Forest is not a good place. You must never go, never go."

Qin Tianyue smiled and said nothing. Even if it was Longtan Tiger's Den, she would go there. She couldn't let her own people have an accident, "Thank you, old man."

The old woman glanced at Mo Yishen, who was standing at the door, and nodded to Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue turned and walked out of the room, closing the door, and looking at Mo Yishen in front of him, "When did you stand at the door without saying a word?"

She just talked to the old woman, but didn't notice Mo Yishen, and didn't know when he was standing at the door.

"Just now, let's eat first!"

Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked towards the kitchen.

Because he was worried about Huating and Hua Mingsheng, Qin Tianyue simply used some noodles. Mo Yishen, who was sitting opposite, looked at Qin Tianyue, "eat more!"

Seeing that Qin Tianyue had no appetite, Mo Yi said in a deep voice, Qin Tianyue reluctantly picked up the noodles and ate some more.

It's already half an hour after eating the noodles.

Mo Yishen washed the dishes and chopsticks, placed them in their original positions, and led Qin Tianyue out of the kitchen.

Standing in the small courtyard, Qin Tianyue looked not far away, not knowing what he was looking at.

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