Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1359: What is the danger, and who is inside (two more)

Luo Hao was glanced at by Deng Chen, wanting to shrink back, but not wanting to be ashamed in front of his friends, so he could only say with a cold face, "What is the danger, who is inside, and why is it blocking us?"

"Yeah, we came here so far, why don't you let us in?"

Wu Fangming stood in front of Luo Hao with a cold face. It would be a shame if he left without seeing anything.

Mi Bei and Min Jiarou stood in front of the two, angrily at Deng Chen, "No matter what, we will go in today. You are not qualified to stop us."

"I'm Yao Ya, a media reporter."

Yao Ya took out her work permit, "We are here to cover the incident in Pingyin Village, so please let us in."

"Even reporters can't go in. Pingyin Village is very dangerous now. Get out of here quickly."

Deng Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with these people, and spoke coldly. If it weren't for the ability to expose his abilities in front of ordinary people, he would have been rude a long time ago. This group of people simply had no brains.

Obviously, the first five people were curious and wanted to explore because of the Pingyin Village incident. As for the reporter at the back, he didn't care about it because he only knew that they would never be allowed in.

Deng Chen's tone was very firm, and the eight people looked very ugly.

Mi Bei and Min Jiarou looked at each other, they nodded, and suddenly Mi Bei covered her belly and fell onto Min Jiarou, "It hurts, it hurts!"

"Bebe, what's the matter with you, don't you scare me?"

Min Jiarou pretended to be flustered, why Luo Hao and Wu Fangming didn't know what was going on, so they quickly supported Mi Bei and asked what happened to Mi Bei.

"My stomach hurts, it really hurts."

Mi Bei leaned on Min Jiarou, pretending that her stomach hurts.

Deng Chen looked slightly ugly when he saw this scene, how could he not see that this woman was pretending to be sick.

In order to come in, they could even think of a lie.

"what happened?"

A low voice sounded, and a man about thirty years old came out. Behind him there were several tall men with serious expressions. They were all talking inside about entering the death forest. It was so noisy outside. They can't concentrate on the discussion.


Deng Chen was finally relieved when he saw the people coming. He really had a headache to deal with these people.

A haze flashed across Qi Fei Ye Junyi's face, and his eyes fell faintly on Luo Hao and others, but he knew what was going on at a glance.

This group of people wanting to enter the dangerous Pingyin Village is simply nonsense.

"Stay here, absolutely can't let them in."

Qi Feiye's expression was indifferent, his tone was cold, and he had no feelings at all.

When Luo Hao and others heard Qi Feiye’s words, they had ugly expressions and wanted to speak. They saw some people behind Qi Feiye, but they didn’t dare. They were just ordinary people, except that Luo Hao had some martial arts skills, the others were ordinary people. No matter where you dare to confront these people, it seems that you can only find a way to enter Pingyin Village.

Yao Ya knew that she couldn't get inside, and her expression was similar to that of Luo Hao and others.


Upon receiving the order, Deng Chen nodded. Even if he had a headache, he would never let these people in.

Qi Feiye retracted his gaze on Luo Hao and the others, and inadvertently saw Qin Tianyue next to Tang Wei, his eyes flashed slightly.

"Tang Wei?!"

Qi Feiye looked at Tang Wei with doubts, who are these people?

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