Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1363: Where did they disappear (six more)


The village chief nodded and said nothing.

Qin Tianyue glanced at the village chief, and after a glance at Mo Yishen, he asked in a deep voice, "The village chief, we are here to find the two Chinese doctors who came here for treatment two days ago. I wonder if we can tell them about their situation? "

Hearing Qin Tianyue's words, the village head and A Man's expressions changed slightly, "Are you the relatives of the two Chinese doctors?"

After the two Chinese doctors came to the village, they rescued many people in the village. The people in the village were very grateful to them, but they did not expect that something like that happened. I had known that the two Chinese doctors should not be allowed to come. Here.

It was his fault. When the two young Chinese doctors came here that day, they should have driven them away, and that would not happen.

Many people in the village were begging for him, but he let them stay and save others for a while, but it caused such a consequence.

The reason why all this has become like this is because of him, and to blame him!

Remorse, pain and self-blame flashed across the village head's face, and his fists were slightly clenched.

Qin Tianyue's expression moved slightly, and the village chief seemed a little strange!

Just thinking about looking at the village chief with his eyes, Mo Yishen's hand suddenly grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand, and the narrow phoenix eyes gave her a faint look.

Qin Tianyue could perceive something wrong with the village chief. Mo Yishen was of course aware. He knew that if Qin Tianyue felt something was wrong, she would definitely use the heavenly eyes because of the two of Hua Ting. Now she was not suitable for using the heavenly eyes. He had to stop her.

Stopped by Mo with deep eyes, Qin Tianyue nodded, she knew he was worried about her.

"Yes, we are the relatives of the two Chinese doctors. They lost contact. We are here to find them back."

Qin Tianyue said in a deep voice, his eyes fell on the village chief, and seeing pain and self-blame flashing across his face again, Qin Tianyue's eyes were dim.

"What do you want to know? I will tell you everything!"

The village chief lit the cigarette again and smoked desperately to cover up his irritability.

"I just want to know where they are now?"

Qin Tianyue asked with cold eyes.

Why did Huating and Hua Mingsheng have an accident? What happened? If her celestial eyes were restored, she would not be so passive and could not know so much.

"They... they are missing!"

After taking a breath of cigarette, the village chief said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

After the two disappeared, they had also been sent to search for them. They searched everywhere, but no one was found.

Before their disappearance, their room was very messy, as if they had fought.

Is it really missing? !

"Where did they disappear?"

Qin Tianyue asked in a cold voice, Mo Yishen squeezed her hand beside him, and looked at her gloomily, "Calm down."

He could feel the ups and downs of Qin Tianyue's emotions, and knew that she was worried and could not calm down.

It has been two days since Huating and Hua Mingsheng disappeared. Although Qin Tianyue’s fortune-telling is not dangerous for the time being, no one can guarantee that they will not have an accident in the next moment. Now they must find out how they went missing and where they went missing. Maybe There is still a glimmer of hope.

There is smog everywhere here, and you can hardly see anything else. It is very difficult to find someone. Even Qin Tianyue’s eyes are of little use here. All she sees is thick fog, which is fundamentally divided. I don't know where it is.

"I know!"

Qin Tianyue nodded and tightened her fist slightly, she really should calm down.

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