Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1376: You also have abilities (three shifts)

When others see him in the future, where will he put his face.

"It's all here, I can't go back!"

Luo Hao said with a sullen face, he absolutely can't go back, these people are not ordinary people, if you follow them, maybe there will be no accident, as long as he depends on them, maybe he can find the so-called treasure, and he will be rich.

To put it bluntly, he is also for the treasures here, and if he gets the treasures, he will definitely not be the same as before.

"Brother Ming, let's go back!"

Min Jiarou grasped Wu Fangming's hand tightly. Wu Fangming was very hesitant. He wanted to leave, but he didn't want to leave. His family situation is the worst here. He came here not only for adventure, but also because of the so-called treasure.

"Brother Ming!"

Min Jiarou seemed to see Wu Fangming's hesitation and stomped angrily.

"Sun Lei, let's go, I don't want to die here."

Seeing Mi Bei's death, she just wants to leave here immediately. She has offended those people just now. I'm afraid they won't protect her by then. She doesn't want to look at people's faces here. What if there is something more terrifying?

"it is good!"

Sun Lei didn't want to stay longer, and nodded after thinking about it.

Min Jiarou carried her own things, took Sun Lei's hand, and looked back at Wu Fangming again. Wu Fangming didn't look at Min Jiarou at all.

Min Jia softly gritted his teeth and pulled Sun Lei to run in the direction he came.

"Sister Yao, what shall we do?"

Watching Min Jiarou leave, a cameraman asked Yao Ya with a little fear.

Yao Ya glanced at Qin Tianyue and the others, "We have worked so hard to come here. If we leave now, we will fall short. These people are capable, and we will definitely not have trouble following them."

The two photographers nodded hesitantly, although they were scared in their hearts, they were not worthy of wealth and glory.

"Tianyue, you are fine!"

On this side, Tang Wei didn't even look at Min Jiarou's side, and stepped forward with a sigh of relief. The scene just now almost scared her, but Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen were really amazing.

Qi Feiye stepped forward and stood in front of a few people, his eyes fell on Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue, his expression still could not hide his surprise, "You are amazing!"

Qin Tianyue raised his lips lightly and did not speak.

"You also have abilities?!"

Deng Chen was standing next to Qi Feiye. He could clearly see the scene just now. When the two wolves attacked the two, they suddenly felt very painful.

At the same time, they and those with supernatural powers all felt a wave of power, and this kind of fluctuation can only be felt by the superb.

If it weren't for them to use abilities, maybe they didn't notice that these two people would also have abilities, and they cover up very well.

The strange thing is that they have not seen this kind of ability. What kind of ability is it?


Qin Tianyue didn't deny it either. She knew that when Mo Yishen used the power, they all felt it, and there was no need to deny it.

Deng Chen gasped, really.

"Then what is your ability?"

It can make the two wolves suddenly feel painful and unable to resist. After all, it is an ability. In their ability group, there are water ability, fire ability, lightning ability, and earth ability, but they have never seen such a strange ability.

"What kind of power? Maybe it's... a mental power!"

Qin Tianyue whispered, she couldn't tell what kind of power it was, so let's call it a mental power for the time being.

"Spiritual power?"

Qi Fei Ye Junyi's face was surprised.

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