Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1390: There is no better woman than her (one more)

I don't know how Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen killed him, but saw that he easily plunged into the giant wolf's neck with a stroke, and the giant wolf was silent.

Everyone looked at the corpse on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but want to gag.

The corpses smelled of decay, which was really disgusting.

Mo Yishen threw away the dagger in his hand, stepped over a few corpses, and walked to Qin Tianyue, "It's okay."

Qin Tianyue reached out his hand and wiped the fine sweat on Mo Yishen's forehead, "Well, I know!"

Mo Yi's deep lips hooked slightly, and he squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand tightly, and found that there was some dirty blood in her hand, so he quickly took out a white handkerchief and gently wiped her.

When Qi Feiye and others saw this scene, they just watched.

Qin Tianyue felt a little embarrassed, and quickly withdrew his hand, "Mo Yishen!"

Mo Yishen raised his eyes to look at Qi Feiye and the others, a cold light flashed in the narrow phoenix eyes, and several people quickly turned their heads and stopped looking.

After Mo Yishen wiped Qin Tianyue's hands clean, Tang Wei walked forward and looked at the dead giant wolf corpse, "Tianyue, what did you do?"

They couldn't kill these zombie giant wolves no matter what, why did Qin Tianyue kill the three giant wolves so easily?

"These giant wolves have been infused with a lot of poison. The reason why they become like this is also related to these poisons."

"He will use poison to make these giant wolves change, then I will use poison to destroy it."

Qin Tianyue curled her lips softly, and Tang Wei opened her mouth wide, "Awesome!"

She knew that Qin Tianyue could also tell fortune-telling with medical skills, and could also have supernatural powers. I am afraid that there is no better woman in this world, which is admirable.

Qi Feiye and the others looked at Qin Tianyue with some doubts. From her words, they could hear that Qin Tianyue was also poisonous?

Seeing Qi Feiye's doubts, Tang Wei said in a low voice, "Boss, Tianyue can not only tell fortune-telling, but also heal, so don't be so surprised."

"so smart?"

Deng Chen glanced at Qin Tianyue and couldn't imagine who would believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Qin Tianyue stood aside and smiled lightly, his ears moved slightly, and footsteps ran from not far away.

The crowd's expressions condensed, and they looked at them vigilantly. Is there something close to them again?

Zombies again? Or a zombie wolf? what is this else?

"It's a human!"

Mo Yishen whispered to Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue nodded, she also heard that the footsteps of human beings are not the same as those of zombies, they are almost the same in depth.

In the thick fog, soon, two male figures appeared in front of everyone.

The figures of Huating and Hua Mingsheng ran over the thick fog towards the sound of the sound. They had been in the death forest for a day. After being chased into the death forest by zombies, they managed to escape the chase of the zombies. Hidden in the cave and lived by eating some flowers and plants.

They have always believed that someone would come to rescue them, or they would have collapsed long ago.

After waiting for a day or two, I finally heard the movement. I didn't believe it at all, but finally determined that someone was coming. Following the sound, they ran towards the direction of the sound cautiously and vigilantly.

In the thick fog, they saw a dozen figures, two of which were inexplicably familiar, and their desire to survive made them quicken their pace.

After seeing the people coming, Huating and Hua Mingsheng showed surprise smiles, "The master!"

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