Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1398: Why did she go back to 2013 (one more)

In 2013, when their two sisters were sixteen or seventeen years old, in the previous life, Qin Tianjiao did wander in front of her wearing such a skirt.

Why did she go back to 2013?

No, she was clearly in the Death Forest. Yes, she was in the Death Forest. She has been reborn once. It is impossible to be reborn again for no reason. What's wrong?

Qin Tianyue's head hurt badly. She wanted to find out what was wrong, as if she had found it out, so she could return to reality.

She is sure that she is not in reality now, even if it is painful, even if everything in front of her seems to be true, these are all false.

She couldn't believe everything in front of her. She felt that if she believed it, she would never be able to really wake up again.

Yes, it must be so right!

She must find a way to wake up and must wake up!

"Qin Tianyue, are you crazy about reading, you should go out to work like me, and still have nothing to pay for your family."

Qin Tianjiao was taken aback when she saw Qin Tianyue like this, and her fairly good face showed a frightened expression. It was the first time she saw Qin Tianyue like this, as if she couldn't believe everything in front of her.

Qin Tianyue put down the hand covering his head, his gaze fell on Qin Tianjiao's body, his eyes were deep and hopeless, "Qin Tianjiao, don't lose yourself for some small gains, or you will regret it sooner or later."

Even if she knew it was fake now, she still wanted to say this to Qin Tianjiao.

After speaking, Qin Tianyue turned and walked towards his home.

Qin Tianjiao stood there, in a daze, and waited for Qin Tianyue to turn around and sighed, "Qin Tianyue, you are talking nonsense, you must be jealous of me."

What a Qin Tianyue, dare to curse her!

Qin Tianyue didn't care about Qin Tianjiao's voice behind him, and strode towards the house. Before reaching the door of the house, he saw Qin Jian'an from a distance.

Qin Jian'an was standing at the door while weaving the fence while looking around, as if waiting for Qin Tianyue's return, with a simple smile on his face.

"Yueyue, Yueyue!"

Seeing Qin Tianyue's figure, Qin Jianan quickly threw away the fence in his hand and ran towards Qin Tianyue's direction.

Qin Tianyue's footsteps stopped, and his eyes fell on Qin Jian'an.

Qin Jianan happily ran to Qin Tianyue, "Yueyue, you are back, why did you pick so many wild vegetables and mushrooms? I sold a lot of things today. I bought meat. We can eat meat in a while."

"Dad also bought the candied haws you like. Come in and eat candied haws."

Qin Jianan happily ran to the direction of the house, and from time to time he looked back and waved to Qin Tianyue.

Seeing the honest and stupid Qin Jian'an, Qin Tianyue had a sore nose and moist eyes. She raised her hand and touched the corner of her eye, tears were already running down the corner of her eye.

Her father, her stupid father!

Qin Tianyue strode towards the house, a simple house with few good furniture, and a wrapped candied haws on the dilapidated dining table. Qin Jianan picked up the candied haws and handed them to Qin Tianyue, "Yueyue, hurry up and eat. , If you like it in the future, Dad will buy you a lot."

Qin Tianyue took the candied haws, took a bite of the candied haws and hummed softly, "Okay!"

Seeing Qin Tianyue eat the candied haws, Qin Jian'an showed a satisfied smile on his face.

After eating a piece of candied haws, Qin Tianyue handed the candied haws to Qin Jian'an, "Dad, you also eat!"

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