Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1412: We are here to save you (seven more)

"it's here!"

Deng Chen's voice rang in the ears of Professor Yang and the others, and six people soon appeared in the blurred vision of the three of Professor Yang.

Deng Chen appeared in front of Professor Yang first, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened. At this time, the three professors Yang and the three were weak.

Qi Feiye, Tang Wei and others immediately stepped forward to help Professor Yang and several others checked, "Professor Yang, how are you doing?"

Qi Feiye squatted in front of Professor Yang and asked anxiously.

Professor Yang’s lips were chapped, his complexion pale without blood, and his whole body messed up. He looked at Qi Feiye in front of him with difficulty, "Who...who are you?"

"Professor Yang, we are the people sent by the country to save you. I am Qi Feiye."

Qi Feiye didn't dare to help Professor Yang, so he could only check before making a decision.

Professor Yang couldn't help coughing a few times, with surprise on his face.

It's great, someone has come to rescue them, don't they have to die?

When I came here this time, I thought I could really find the tombs, but I didn’t say what I learned. So many people died. Those people were all his colleagues and his apprentices. Shredded and watched them being eaten by zombies.

Deng Chen checked the man who fell by the tree. Because he was young and strong, the man was better than Professor Yang and the woman.

Tang Wei squatted in front of the woman, carefully inspecting her wound, and found that a branch had pierced her stomach, bleeding a lot, and the woman almost lost her breath.

At this time, she couldn't wait for Qin Tianyue to be here, because she believed that if Qin Tianyue was here, she would definitely be able to save the girl, but now, when Qin Tianyue is not there, they simply cannot save her.

When Tang Wei was uncomfortable, neat footsteps sounded again.

Several people looked at the thick yellow fog warily, their complexions condensed.

They are afraid that the people in the dense fog are not people, but zombies that everyone fears.

But listening to the footsteps didn't seem like that kind of monster.

"Could it be Tianyue?"

Tang Wei put down her vigilance and smiled joyfully, "Tianyue!"

She shouted to the voice in the dense fog, and soon responded, "Tang Wei!"

Qin Tianyue's answer made Qi Feiye and the others smile happily, "Tianyue, I am here."

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen appeared in the thick fog, and Mo Xiao and others were behind them, and everyone was fine.

Seeing everyone, Tang Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Qin Tianyue and the others hadn't come in, but didn't expect to come in. She knew that Qin Tianyue was loyal.

After seeing Tang Wei and the others, Qin Tianyue showed a light smile, his eyes fell on Professor Yang and his expressions changed slightly. The three of them seemed to lose their lives in the next moment.

Without delay, Qin Tianyue immediately began to treat people. She turned her head and nodded towards Huating Hua Mingsheng, and the two nodded back knowingly.

Huating and Hua Mingsheng walked up to Professor Yang and the young man beside Professor Yang and began to treat the two of them. In addition to the medicine kit, they would carry some first aid medicine, which they can use now.

Qin Tianyue walked up to the woman and began to treat the woman.

The three quickly healed the three. Qi Feiye and the others watched in surprise. They also had healers in their superpower group, but they had never been so powerful.

The speed and ability of these three people is really admirable, especially Qin Tianyue, who is less than 20 years old, but his abilities are even more powerful than those of the two.

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