Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1430: Can he let everyone here (one more)

A Man looked at Qin Tianyue who was holding her hand in disbelief, "You..."

"Do you think you committed suicide, can he let everyone here?"

Qin Tianyue said quietly, she knew that A-Man wanted to let A-Gump know this way, and wanted A-Gump to stop, but she was wrong. If she died, A-Gump would not let go, but would be even more crazy.

A Man stood there in pain, and she had nothing to do, and she didn't know what to do. She thought, if her own death can make A-Gump feel softer, that would be great.

Seeing Ah Man's painful look, Qin Tianyue let go of her hand, and his eyes fell on A-Gump. He sighed secretly in his heart as he looked at the pain that flashed in his eyes, but he was in love with each other, but he wanted to torment each other.

Looking at the pair, she felt that Mo Yishen was always by her side, her heart calmed down.

Mo Yishen stood beside Qin Tianyue all the time, like a patron saint, his every move was captured by him, and he knew what she was thinking.

She and he would never be like Aman and A-Gump.

They love each other, and no one has the ability to prevent them from loving each other.

A Man looked at A-Gump with tears in his eyes, staring at his hideous and terrifying appearance at this time. His heart aches so badly that he couldn't help whispering. If those things hadn't happened, maybe she and A-Gump would have been together well. , Why would God treat them like this.

A-Gump looked at A-Man, his fist was slightly tightened. By this time, he could no longer look back. Either they died or he died.

He and Aman can't go back either.

A-Gump looked at the village chief in front of him, hatred flashed through his eyes, and the hand that was gripping the village chief's neck began to tighten.

"Do you think that if you kill him, the hatred in your heart will disappear?"

"You kill these villagers, do you think the hatred in your heart will disappear?"

"There are also many innocent people among the people you killed. They never apologized to you. Do you think you will be better off by killing them?"

A soft and indifferent voice sounded from Qin Tianyue's mouth.

A-Gump looked back at Qin Tianyue, his eyes were scarlet and cold, "Shut up!"

How could he have a hard time? Only by killing them will he have a hard time.

"If you kill them, do you think you can become a normal person?"

Qin Tianyue did not stop because of A-Gump's scolding. There were indeed many people in Pingyin Village who had insulted A-Gump, but there were also many who had treated A-Gump nicely.

At this time, A-Gump had already been enveloped in hatred, thinking of something negative, never thought of good, some people should die, some people are indeed innocent, she can't just watch him sink into more and more.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, I tell you to shut up!"

A-Gump threw away the village chief and ran in the direction of Qin Tianyue frantically. He was stimulated by Qin Tianyue, and now he only wanted to attack Qin Tianyue to make her shut her mouth.

Qin Tianyue's expression condensed, and his face became dark, watching A-Gump attack towards him.

A slender arm gripped her hand tightly and pulled her behind her. His slender and powerful long legs slammed at Forrest Gump who was attacking Qin Tianyue.

A-Gump was kicked fiercely by Mo Yishen's long legs, and he stepped back a few steps. Black blood flowed from his mouth. He wiped it without the slightest expression, and stared at Qin Tianyuemo darkly.

When A-Gump threw away the village chief, A-Man ran to the village chief and watched the village chief vomiting blood from time to time, with guilt and regret in his eyes. A-Man was in pain, "Dad, don't scare me, dad!"

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