Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1432: The person who made you like this is dead (three shifts)

His revenge is not over yet, how could he just die like this.

"Now that the village chief is dead, the hatred in your heart should also dissipate!"

Qin Tianyue said quietly, "The other person you hate has already died. You should let go of the hatred in your heart and should not let innocent people die."

The retribution has been received, and the rest of the people with broken mouths should have realized their mistakes. Even if they have made mistakes and their sins are not worthy of death, she can’t just watch A-Gump kill everyone for revenge, so they and A-Gump will have revenge. What's the difference.

"What did you say?"

A-Gump looked at Qin Tianyue sharply with fierce eyes, "What do you know?"

What does she mean? What does it mean that another person he hates has already died?

Except for the village chief, the person he hates most is the wizard who turned himself into a monster. He has been trying hard to find that man, but he has never been able to find him.

He had planned to hunt for him after killing the people in Pingyin Village, but now someone told him that another person had died.

"You don't need to worry about what I know, you just need to know that the ghost wizard who made you like this is dead."

Qin Tianyue said quietly to A-Gump's incredulous gaze.

That’s right, what caused A-Gump to become like this is the ghost wizard who was fighting against her at the beginning, the man who raised weird people, not ghosts, and ghosts. He didn’t expect him to turn himself into a ghost like that. Ordinary people have become like ghosts and ghosts and people are not humans.

Many villagers looked at Qin Tianyue in shock, and some did not understand what Qin Tianyue was saying.

Tang Wei and several people stood behind Qin Tianyue. They knew that Qin Tianyue could tell fortunes, and they must have done it now.

"No, no, how can he die? It's impossible for him to die?"

A-Gump didn't believe it, and screamed frantically.

After he became such a ghost, he lived on hatred. Now that the village chief is dead, the ghost wizard he wanted to find is also dead. What motivation does he have to live?

He didn't believe what this woman said, how could someone like a ghost wizard with powerful abilities die easily.

"At the beginning, he and I were confronted in City A. After a fight, he became a lunatic and died in prison."

Qin Tianyue briefly talked about what happened back then, in order to make A-Gump give up, she did not hide it.

She was also telling the truth. After the ghost wizard was arrested, she died not long after being in prison. She didn't feel anything when she knew that he was dead. Such a person would not live long in the first place, let alone stay in prison after becoming a lunatic. place.

"No, no? Why? Why?"

Forrest Gump couldn’t believe that who the woman in front of him was, he could even deal with people like ghost wizards. He thought he had a chance to deal with them, but now it seemed that he was hitting rocks with pebbles. With these people, he thought It is impossible to deal with the people in Pingyin Village.

What he is thinking of now is actually not the disgusting people in Pingyin Village, he is thinking of ghost wizards, how can he die?

He didn't believe it, but he didn't believe it. How did this woman learn about the ghost wizard? How could she know so clearly?

When he escaped from the basement of the ghost wizard, the person who had captured the ghost wizard fiercely questioned the whereabouts of the ghost wizard, but was learned that the ghost wizard had gone to City A and had not returned for a long time.

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