Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1445: How are you going to apologize (eight shifts)

Especially recently, I was unlucky to stay at home for so long, and finally went out with my boyfriend, but saw a girl who was more beautiful than myself. When I saw her, it reminded her of that **** Qin Tianyue.

"Sorry to be useful, can anyone in the world kill people?"

Yu Jiao was not in a good mood at all, and the man beside her comforted softly, "It's alright, there is no need to be angry about a little thing."

The man’s words made Yu Jiao nod her head. This is a big crowd. She doesn’t want to get angry. In addition, the man next to her is the boyfriend she just made. She is also very satisfied with him and likes him, in order to leave him. Good impression, she should curb her temper.

"Okay, okay, listen to you."

Yu Jiao glanced at Mo Aixue disdainfully, this girl was very similar to Qin Tianyue, except for her face, she was useless.

"Go in, aren't you going to buy some nice clothes?"

The man glanced at Yu Jiao dozingly, but his eyes were disdainful. If it weren't for Yu Jiao's good family background, he wouldn't have the time to hook up with her. He was too young to fit his aesthetics.

"Then you accompany me in."

Yu Jiao charmingly glared at the man. The man nodded and looked at the underwear shop in front of him. His brows were slightly frowned, but a big man wanted to follow a woman into the underwear shop. If it wasn't for the good days in the future, he wouldn't Would do something like this.

"Good good, I'll accompany you."

The man nodded indulgently, looking at the underwear shop's eyes without turning, a stunning light appeared under his eyes, which was the gaze of a man when he saw a beautiful woman.

"You are watching... Qin Tianyue, Shen Wenwen, how could it be you?"

The man's gaze made Yu Jiao uncomfortable. Following his gaze, she saw two charming and pretty girls walking out of the underwear shop. They were the person she hated the most, Qin Tianyue, Shen and warm.

Thinking of the insult she received that day, Yu Jiao couldn't help but gritted her teeth. After the milk tea shop, she had a stench on her body for a long time, and even her family could not bear it. After staying at home for a long time, she felt the smell of her body. It fades a lot.

After finally going out, I met them again, and I don't know if I didn't read the almanac when I went out.

"Arche, what's the matter?"

Shen Wenwen looked at Mo Aixue, and then stared at Yu Jiao, his expression darkened slightly, he didn't need to think about it, he knew what had happened just now.

Mo Aixue walked to Shen Wenwen and glanced at Yu Jiao faintly, "It's okay, I accidentally bumped into these young ladies."

Just now, Yu Jiao's attitude towards her was clear. She was disgusted and impatient. There were too many such people, and she couldn't even care about it. It's better to do more and less.

Shen Wenwen glanced at Yu Jiao, with cold eyes.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were dim, and his expression was dull and unclear.

"You know?"

Watching Shen Wenwen greet Mo Aixue, Yu Jiao's expression was ugly. She didn't want to care about it. After seeing Qin Tianyue and Shen Wenwen, she couldn't help it anymore, "It was you. She must have hit me on purpose. Me, how are you going to apologize?"

Yu Jiao's face was angry, and she sneered at Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue.

Mo Aixue glanced at Yu Jiao, she was very smart, and at a glance she could see that Yu Jiao and her little aunt Qin Tianyue had an enmity, otherwise they wouldn't be able to come up with things that they didn't care about now.

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