Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1456: I'm blind, so forgive me (three shifts)

"Master Mo, I don't know, I don't know anything. If I knew, I wouldn't speak like that."

Yu Jiao trembled in fear, and kept shaking her head. The tears on her face covered her makeup. There was still the delicate beauty in her whole person.

"Since I like to scold people so much, there is no need for this tongue, and the Yu family... also should bear the consequences."

Mo Yishen's ruthless words echoed by Yu Jiao's side like thunder, making Yu Jiao's face gray with fright.

What did she hear? Master Mo is going to cut her tongue, Master Mo wants the Yu family to pay for her mistakes?

This is Mo Yishen, the master Mo who everyone in Beijing is afraid of, she's over, she's over.

"Tianyue, Tianyue, I'm blind. I apologize to you. Since we are classmates, please forgive me, please."

Yu Jiao looked at Qin Tianyue with tears in her nose, and kept kowtow on the ground, hoping that Qin Tianyue could forgive her.

Mo Yan waved to the side, and the two men in black took Yu Jiao away. Even if his wife forgave Yu Jiao, it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Mo to let Yu Jiao and the Yu family go. If he dares to insult his wife and young lady, then he should do well. Preparation for such consequences.

Yu Jiao was dragged in despair, and no one sympathized with her. Seeing that the momentum here was too strong, the people watching the excitement quickly retreated.

I didn't expect to see such a wonderful drama today. It was Lord Mo, the myth of the capital, and the most mysterious person in the capital. I didn't expect to be so young and handsome, which is a bit inconsistent with the rumors.

The one thing that fits the point is that his methods are really scary, but just a few words of insult to his fiancée, leaving those two people almost nowhere to survive.

No one in the capital reported that Mr. Mo had a fiancee. If it weren't for what he saw with his own eyes today, the girl was so beautiful that they couldn't come by. She was a talented girl, and she was a good match.

"Uncle, you are so handsome on the stage, no one dared to bully us anymore as soon as you appeared on the stage."

Mo Aixue looked at Mo Yishen admiringly, chatting like a cute bird about what happened just now, and accidentally mentioned Qin Tianyue's fortune-telling just now.

Qin Tianyue, "..."

Oops! I forgot to tell Mo Aixue never to say this. Mo Yishen was already angry about her use of the sky eye last night. Today I know that she has used the sky eye again, and he is finished.

Qin Tianyue glanced at Mo Yishen cautiously, and saw that his phoenix eyes were as cold as ice, looking at her very displeased.

Shen Wenwen stared at Qin Tianyue and noticed something was wrong. What happened? Why does Tianyue seem to be scared all of a sudden.

"Aixue, it's too early, I'll take you home first."

Shen Wenwen blinked at Mo Aixue. Mo Aixue hadn't noticed anything wrong at first. When she saw her uncle Mo Yishen's expression more scary than just now, she swallowed, "Okay, okay, we Go back, little uncle and little aunt, let's go first."

Mo Aixue took the initiative to hold Shen Warm's hand and ran away quickly, like a ghost chasing after him.

Qin Tianyue looked at the back of Shen Wenwen running away in great strides, and couldn't laugh or cry.

They all left, leaving her alone to face the scary Mo Yishen. What should I do now?

"Miss, this is what you bought just now!"

The young sales clerk boldly walked forward with shopping bags.

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