Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1472: Maybe you can become a human in the future (three shifts)

"It seems okay!"

Xiao Huo's eyes were a little blurred. It seemed that there was something about it in its memory inheritance, but it didn't know how to become a human being.

"Does that have to cultivate hard?"

Qin Tianyue reached out and touched Xiao Huo's little head, Xiao Huo nodded, "The little Huo cultivates well, maybe he will become a human in the future."

"Hmm, let's practice together."

Qin Tianyue hugged the small fire and walked towards the stone where she usually cultivated. She was upgraded to Intermediate Yellow Stage and stayed at Intermediate Yellow Stage. The spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted last time, and now she has almost recovered. It seems that she has a vaguely growing feeling. , She must take advantage of this time, practice more.

In the space, Xiao Huo and Qin Tianyue practiced together, and a lot of spiritual energy entered the body of one person and one bird.

Xiao Ke jumped into Qin Tianyue's little fire not far away and ate the green grass happily.

After cultivating, Qin Tianyue got out of space. After finishing her meal, she went to Beijing University. She still had two classes in the afternoon.

Just when I joined Shen Wenwen, I met Qi Qing.

With a smile on Qi Qing's face, Qi Qing walked towards Qin Tianyue, "Tianyue, what a coincidence, can we go to class together?"

Shen Wenwen looked at Qi Qing with a strange look. Qi Qing and Su Anxin were in the same group. Su Anxin hadn't been in class recently, and something happened to Yu Jiao. Could it be that she couldn't find anyone? Now that she suddenly came to Tianyue so enthusiastically, why did she think there was a ghost?

Qin Tianyue glanced at Qi Qing faintly. She knew what Qi Qing was making. Yesterday, Valing called her and told her that Qi Qing had come to find herself. She knew that Qi Qing must have known something, otherwise it would not be the case.

"Sorry, we don't like having outsiders join in."

Shen Wenwen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked towards the classroom.

Qi Qing gritted her teeth, she knew it would be like this at first, after all, she and Su Anxin had a lot of insults to Qin Tianyue when they were together.

Qi Qing ran forward brazenly, "I know you don’t like me, I can change it. I used to be ignorant. I did a lot of bad things to Tianyue with An Xin. I know I’m wrong, so I really want to ask you. Forgive me."

Qi Qing's words made Qin Tianyue stop. She looked at Qi Qing with a smile but a smile, "Really? How true is your true heart?"

"Tianyue, I really really want to be friends with you."

Qi Qing was a little anxious. She knew that Qin Tianyue was not easy to provoke. If she offends her, maybe Yu Jiao's fate will be her fate.

"Qi Qing, are you not afraid of being known by Su Anxin?"

Shen Wenwen is strange. It seems that Qi Qing really wants to be friends with Qin Tianyue. She probably knows too. Yu Jiao must have told Qi Qing about the relationship between Qin Tianyue and Mo Ye, otherwise Qi Qing would not want to be so eager to be with him. Tianyue is a friend.

Qi Qing's complexion froze slightly. So far, she has indeed not fallen out with Su Anxin. If Su Anxin knew that she was so pleased with Qin Tianyue, she would definitely be unhappy.

Thinking of this, Qi Qing flinched in her heart, and the next moment she strengthened her heart.

She was destined to tear her face with Su Anxin. Now there is someone better than Su Anxin. Of course, she has to take the initiative to climb Qin Tianyue. Even if she doesn't like her, as long as she doesn't deal with her, she will be satisfied.

"I know that An Xin has done a lot of wrong things, so I also decided to stay away from her. Tianyue is a good person. I apologize to you for the wrong things I did in the past. I hope you can forget it."

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