Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1477: I hope you don’t regret it (eight shifts)

"I really hate you so much, don't want to see me even for a moment?"

Lu Jingyi pressed Qin Tianyue, stepping forward.

He didn't want to see her expression like this, he couldn't wait to take his hand and cover her eyes, begging her not to look at him like this.

"President Lu, if there is nothing to say, then leave, we are going to close the door."

Qin Tianyue's eyes didn't have any waves because of Lu Jingyi's forcing him to ask. Until now, if she met Lu Jingyi for the first time, she would still have ups and downs in her mood. Now she really doesn't feel anything when facing Lu Jingyi.

Maybe it was because there was already a man in her heart, maybe it was in her heart that Lu Jingyi was really a stranger.

She didn't know the previous life, she was sold to the research institute, did he know, maybe she knew it, maybe she didn't.

Even if she didn't know, she wouldn't give him a good face when thinking of the coaxing of his last life.

"Wait a moment!"

Lu Jingyi spoke faintly, and took out the bronzing invitation from the silver-gray suit, "A few days later it is my parents' wedding anniversary, and I want to invite you to the banquet."

Lu Jingyi handed the invitation to Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on the hot stamping invitation, and he did not accept it at the first moment.

"Mr. Lu, I am not familiar with the Lu family, so I won't go to the banquet."

What does the Lu Family's banquet have to do with her, even if Lu Jingyi personally invites her, is she going to go?

She knew that Lu Jingyi’s parents’ wedding anniversary was Lu Jingyi’s birthday, and she also knew that the banquet held by the Lu family this time was not that simple.

"Last time I saw that you liked that bead, this time I went abroad and found one that was exactly the same."

Lu Jingyi said softly, as if to say inadvertently.

His words made Qin Tianyue's eyes slightly cold, and his eyes became colder when he looked at Lu Jingyi.

How could she not hear the meaning of Lu Jingyi's words, is he a threat or a temptation?

At the Shen’s charity dinner, Lu Jingyi found that she liked the bead, and now she said it with the bead again. She didn’t know if it was true or false. She promised that Mo Yishen would not use the eyes of the sky during this period, so she didn’t use the sky. Seeing whether Lu Jingyi's words are true or not.

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, as if he didn't care about Lu Jingyi's words, only she knew that her heart was still turbulent, not only because of the bead, but also because of other things.

She knew that a lot of things would happen at Lu Jingyi's banquet. Even if her plan didn't go ahead, many things would definitely happen. With Su Anxin and Qi Qing, how could it be possible to live in peace.

Lu Jingyi took the initiative to let her participate in the banquet, even if it was not for the beads, she would go to disrupt the banquet and make them feel uneasy.

If there are beads, it is better, and it will kill two birds with one stone.

I hope that Lu Jingyi will not regret inviting her.

"I just hope you can come to the party."

Lu Jingyi's hand has been placed in front of Qin Tianyue, it seems that he will not give up unless she accepts the invitation.

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes flashed strangely, and he reached out his hand to take the invitation in Lu Jingyi's hand, "Okay, I'm going to participate, I hope Mr. Lu will not regret it."

Lu Jingyi didn't care about Qin Tianyue's words, as long as she attended, he would have a chance.

"That day... come early."

Lu Jingyi looked at Qin Tianyue tightly, his eyes dimmed, and he said softly.

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