Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1487: Lord Mo let me protect you (two more)

In order to come to the banquet, Shen Wenwen almost didn't eat anything. After entering here, she didn't rush to eat. Anyway, she didn't come to attend the blind date, but was forced to make up the number.

While eating, I always felt a dazzling gaze falling on him. Shen Wenwen looked over, and it was Su Anxin, watching her and Qi Qing standing aside and discussing something, "The two must be discussing something wrong again. , It's really disgusting enough."

Qin Tianyue picked up a glass of drink and just tasted it, then glanced at Su Anxin's direction, "No matter what you discuss, it's not a good thing."

People like Su Anxin could think of anything good. From her entering the banquet hall, apart from Su Anxin's sight, it was Sang Qiu's cold sight, but because she was by Su Zhengyang, there were many bosses' wives beside her, so Just glanced at her and looked away.

The other is Lu Jingyi's gaze. She didn't look at it, but coldly curled her lips.

A tall waiter walked in the direction of Qin Tianyue and whispered, "Madam!"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at the incoming person, who was an ordinary-looking woman, "Mo Yishen sent you here?"

"Yes, Lord Mo asked me to protect you."

The waiter whispered, Qin Tianyue smiled helplessly, "I see."

"Then I'll go down first. I'm nearby. Madam can find me anytime if she wants to."


Qin Tianyue nodded, and the woman took the tray and left.

Shen Wenwen walked to Qin Tianyue's side and smiled, "Oh, if your Lord Mo does not come, will you need someone to protect you?"

With Tianyue's such great ability, Lord Mo unexpectedly asked someone to protect him. Isn't this a bit too caressing?

I originally thought that Lord Mo would not come, but now he is still letting people protect Tianyue, which is really envious of others.

"He is not looking for someone to protect me, he is looking for someone to look at me."

Don't think that she doesn't know what he means, just because she's doing something wrong to yourself, even if this man doesn't say it, she can guess it.

"What are you doing? I'm afraid that you will do earth-shattering things. No, no, Lord Mo must be afraid of others hurting you. It's not right. Who dares to hurt you if you are so powerful, shouldn't you be afraid of accidentally hurting yourself? Bar."

Shen Wenwen's gossip guessing, Qin Tianyue sometimes had to admire Shen Wenwen, which could be guessed.


Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand and pretended to pull Shen Wenwen. Shen Wenwen smiled happily, knowing that he was right.

Unexpectedly, Lord Mo looked cold and unfeeling, but he had feelings more than any man.

"Nuan Nuan, come here!"

Wei Xiao waved not far away, as if he wanted to introduce someone to Shen Wenwen. Shen Wenwen had to put down the things in his hands, "I'll go there first."

"Well, go!"

Qin Tianyue nodded, standing alone at the buffet table.

Qi Qing crossed the crowd and walked towards Qin Tianyue's direction.

Picking up the champagne glass on the table, Qi Qing said in a low voice, "Su Anxin wants me to get your clothes dirty and let you go to the guest lounge on the second floor to change your clothes, and then she will send someone to inform Lu Jingyi... …"

Qin Tianyue put down the drink cup in his hand and turned his back to everyone, as if not paying attention to Qi Qing, "Really?"

"Yes, so I might get your clothes dirty in a while."

Qi Qing glanced at Qin Tianyue cautiously, fearing that Qin Tianyue would disagree.

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