Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1490: I am willing to do anything you want me to do in the future (five shifts)

Seeing Su Anxin walk in, Qi Qing squinted at the fourth room, opened the door and walked in.

Qin Tianyue, who had been in a coma, stood by the window and didn't know what to look at. Her evening dress that had been soiled by Qi Qing had been changed.

Seeing Qin Tianyue standing elegantly by the window, Qi Qing stepped forward, "Tianyue."

That's right, Qin Tianyue was not in a coma, and with her ability, it was impossible for her to pass out of a coma because of a small drug, but Qi Qing deceived Su An's heart.

Qin Tianyue turned around, looking at Qi Qing with deep beautiful eyes.

"She has entered the room, what should I do now?"

Su Anxin did tell her some plans, but she still wanted to ask Qin Tianyue and get Qin Tianyue's consent. It was her goal not to provoke Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue's slender body walked towards Qi Qing, an invisible aura oppressing Qi Qing, Qi Qing subconsciously wanted to lower her head, how could she be so stupid at the beginning, how could Qin Tianyue's momentum be a country girl? some.

If she wakes up early and is not so idiotic, she will not fall into the scene where she is almost an enemy with Qin Tianyue now.

"what do you want to do?"

Qin Tianyue stood in front of Qi Qing, her beautiful eyes flashing faintly.

Qi Qing raised her head and looked at Qin Tianyue, looking at the imperceptible mockery in her eyes. She knew that Qin Tianyue looked down on her and felt that she was the kind of double-faced person, so what? She can give everything for her own purposes.

Over the years, in order to please Su Anxin, she has turned herself into a person she hates. Now Su Anxin wants to get the means to be with Lu Jingyi. Su Anxin can, why can't she.

She had been fed up with Su Anxin for a long time, and now the Su family was declining so badly, she no longer had to fear Su Anxin so much, it was time to rob her of her lover.

"Tian Yue, help me. Only if I succeed, you can completely attack Su Anxin. I used to be blind. Now I am willing to stand in a team with you to deal with Su Anxin. As long as you help me get Lu Jingyi, you will I am willing to do whatever I want."

Qi Qing was a little excited, as if she was afraid that Qin Tianyue would not help her.

"Qi Qing, you and I have never been in the same team. I want to deal with Su Anxin. There are 11 million ways to deal with Su Anxin. I can do without you."

Qin Tianyue spoke indifferently, Qi Qing's expression changed slightly, didn't Qin Tianyue agree to deal with Su Anxin with her?

She has come to this point. If she disagrees, she doesn't know if anything will happen. This thing must not happen. Only when she cooperates with Qin Tianyue can she succeed, because she believes in Qin Tianyue's ability.

"I know...just as I beg you, please Tianyue."

Qi Qing just didn't kneel on the ground, time can't be delayed any more, she must ask Qin Tianyue for help.

Seeing Qi Qing's pleading appearance, Qin Tianyue lightly raised his lips, and a very small medicine bottle appeared in his palm, "This is a colorless and tasteless love potion. I will give it to you. You can only rely on yourself for the rest. ."

She believed that a smart person like Qi Qing should know what to do.

Qi Qing's desperate heart instantly rose with hope, and she quickly took the medicine bottle in Qin Tianyue's hand, and she didn't even wonder how Qin Tianyue would carry the love potion with her. Maybe she had guessed something earlier, maybe it was because of the doctor's habit.

"Thank you, Tianyue, thank you."

Qin Tianyue retracted his hand and placed it on his side.

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