Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1543: Mo Yishen, you are so kind (eight shifts)

Finishing incense for his ancestors, Qin Jianan asked Qin Tianyue Bai Chuxia to go back first, and he was going to go to the other graves with Luo Mengfang to offer incense to the other graves. Those were some of the brothers who died young at the time. These were left to him and Luo Mengfang. The road there is not easy to walk, there is no need for Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen and the three to follow them.

"I'll go as well!"

Bai Chuxia glanced at Qin Tianyue and walked to Luo Mengfang. She should not be an electric light bulb.

Qin Tianyue was about to speak, and Qin Jianan had already looked at her, "Yueyue, don't go, He Yishen will go back first."

After all, Qin Jianan did not give Qin Tianyue a chance to speak, and took Luo Mengfang and Bai Chuxia to the other side.

Qin Tianyue stood in place, she probably knew what her father Qin Jianan meant, and he was too embarrassed to let Mo Yishen follow them everywhere on the muddy road.

"Let's go, go back!"

Qin Tianyue turned around and looked at Mo Yishen beside him. Thinking of something, he took out a wet tissue paper from his bag, "Take it out."

The two of them had just pulled the grass and burned the paper money. Their hands were dirty, and there was a smell of paper money on their bodies. The habit of cleanliness must have long been unbearable.

Mo Yishen stretched out his hand, placing his fingers with distinct and slender joints in the air. Qin Tianyue took the wet tissue and gently wiped his hands with the ink until it was clean.

"Give me one!"

After wiping it clean, the sound of ink sounded in my ears.

Qin Tianyue subconsciously gave him one, thinking that he didn't wipe it clean, but this person actually grabbed her hand and wiped her fingers clean one by one.

With a soft smile on Qin Tianyue's delicate face, "Mo Yishen, you are so kind!"

Mo Yishen lowered his head to look at Qin Tianyue, with a smile in his phoenix eyes, his thin lips slightly hooked.

"Let's go!"

Mo Yishen stretched out his hand and clasped Qin Tianyue's hand with ten fingers, holding her hand and walking towards the road when he came.

Qin Tianyue looked at his generous back, feeling a peaceful time.

On the way down the mountain, I met several groups of people, all of whom were familiar with Huanshan Village. Seeing that Qin Tianyue's hand was actually pulled by Mo Yishen, everyone looked in surprise.

If this man didn't admit his mistake, wouldn't he be the one who rented the former village chief's house back then, how could he be with Tianyue?

Seeing the two intimately holding hands, is this a relationship between men and women?

The young man is really handsome and strong. When he first came here, many girls rushed to admire him. Not long after Qin Tianyue's family moved out, he also left inexplicably, which made many girls feel uncomfortable.

If it hadn't been for seeing him holding Tianyue's hand today, they wouldn't have thought too much. I am afraid that his departure at the beginning has something to do with Tianyue.


Several uncles and aunts greeted enthusiastically, with smiles in their eyes.

"Uncle, aunt!"

Qin Tianyue was a little embarrassed. When he saw a few people just now, he wanted to withdraw his hand. He didn't know that someone didn't want her to withdraw his hand. He had no choice but to let him hold it.

Several uncles and aunts smiled and nodded, and their eyes fell on Mo Yishen again.

Mo Yishen's handsome and innocent face was cold, and he nodded at several people without speaking.

When he came here, he had hardly said anything to the people here, and there was no intersection.

Several uncles and aunts felt the coldness on Mo Yishen's body, and they couldn't wait any longer. They greeted and hurried up the mountain. They were also preparing to go up the mountain to burn incense.

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