Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1545: I don’t want to listen to you, or die to show me (two more)

"elder sister."

Qin Tianjiao whispered to Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue stopped, and looked up at Qin Tianjiao who was blocking her, "Something?"

"Sister, I have something to tell you."

Qin Tianjiao glanced at Qin Tianyue quietly, didn't dare to look at Mo Yishen at all. He only felt that Mo Yishen's gaze was very scary, and he didn't know how he hit him in the first place.

"I don't want to listen to you."

Qin Tianyue's expression was cold, without any temperature.

Qin Tianjiao is showing weakness now, is she going to forgive her? For so many years, how Qin Tianjiao and Zhang Shufen treated her father, how the second uncle and the third uncle treated her father, she remembered clearly, they can insult themselves, but they can't insult her father.

"I know that I was wrong before, sister, please forgive me, as long as you forgive me, I am willing to do anything you want me to do."

Qin Tianjiao looked at Qin Tianyue anxiously, her eyes moist, and she seemed to really regret it.

She wanted to reach out and grab Qin Tianyue, but Mo Yishen had already embraced Qin Tianyue and stepped back, causing Qin Tianjiao's hand to fall to nothing.

"Really willing to do anything?"

The corners of Qin Tianyue's lips curled up coldly. Qin Tianjiao thought that Qin Tianyue would forgive her, and nodded desperately, "Yes, as long as you say anything, I am willing."

Qin Tianyue withdrew her hand and took a step forward, suppressing Qin Tianjiao with her cool aura, and Qin Tianjiao couldn't help taking a step back.

When did Qin Tianyue's momentum become so strong, people didn't dare to look directly at it.

"Either kneel at the graves of grandparents for days and nights, as long as they forgive you, I will forgive you!"

"Either... let me die, maybe I can consider forgiving you."

Qin Tianyue approached Qin Tianjiao, her voice lacking any temperature.

When her grandparents were abused by Zhang Shufen, Qin Tianjiao didn't add a lot of blockage, and cursed them like Zhang Shufen.

Although it was already a matter of the previous life for her, she would never forget that she was still very young at the time, and she was not capable of smashing two people for her grandparents. On the contrary, it would make the two of them treat their grandparents even more. Abuse.

Little she can only keep these things in her mind, but she can't do anything about it.

Hearing Qin Tianyue's words, Qin Tianjiao's joyful expression instantly condensed, as if he could not believe what Qin Tianyue said.

"Sister, why don't you forgive me? I am your sister. Even if it is really wrong, you shouldn't blame me all the time. I was deceived by my mother, and now I know I was wrong."

Qin Tianyue actually let her die, asking her to ask her grandparents to forgive her in order to forgive her. This is clearly embarrassing her.

"Qin Tianjiao, did you really admit it wrong?"

Qin Tianyue looked straight at Qin Tianjiao, seeing Qin Tianjiao inexplicably guilty.

"Sister, what are you talking about, I really know that I was wrong, can you forgive me, we are always sisters, aren't we?"

Qin Tianjiao's eyes were reddish, tears shed sadly.

"I apologize for what I did to you before. I know I was wrong, so please forgive me."

Qin Tianjiao kept apologizing, and carefully looked at Mo Yishen beside Qin Tianyue from time to time.

"Qin Tianjiao, I will never forgive you."

Qin Tianyue looked at Qin Tianjiao lightly, and the corners of her lips twitched coldly.

Qin Tianjiao's tears stopped instantly, his face pale.

"Sister, are you really so ruthless?"

Qin Tianjiao couldn't believe it and couldn't help taking a few steps back, seemingly unable to believe what Qin Tianyue said.

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