Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1562: This is your marriage certificate (three shifts)

Today, they were notified that they must come to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately. When they learned that it was the mysterious Lord Mo who was going to get married, they were shocked.

Taking advantage of this time to look carefully at Lord Mo, I discovered that this mysterious Lord Mo is really young and beautiful, and his appearance is really not comparable to other men.

They have worked in the Civil Affairs Bureau for so many years, and there are not hundreds of couples who want to get married or divorced every day, and there are dozens of them. This is the first time to see such a well-matched couple.

When looking at the signature, the beautiful girl seemed a little unwilling, and several employees were a little unbelievable. Could this future Mrs. Mo be forced?

Such a handsome and powerful Mo Ye actually forced people to get married?

When the signing was finished, Mo Yishen's phone rang, released Qin Tianyue's hand, and walked aside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, an employee of the Civil Affairs Bureau whispered, "Miss Qin, were you forced? If so..."

If so, what can they do?

After saying this, the employee who asked the question regretted that she was a little impulsive. She was really reluctant to see such a beautiful girl being persecuted. Is it great to have money?

Qin Tianyue was a little bit dumbfounded when she heard the words of the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau. She did hesitate when she signed just now, but it was not because she was unwilling, but because she was thinking that she and Mo Yishen are real husbands and wives when the word is signed. It seems to be dreaming.

Because of this hesitation, she was really embarrassed to misunderstand others.

"You misunderstood, I didn't want to be unwilling, he is very good, how can I be unwilling?"

Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on Mo Yishen who was not far away on the phone, and Qin Tianyue's eyes were soft as he looked at his delicate and handsome profile.

As if perceiving her gaze, Mo paused for a moment in a deep, low voice, looking in the direction of Qin Tianyue, his eyes soft and indulgent.

Several employees still don't understand. At first glance, it is that men and women are interested, but they have misunderstood.

"Sorry, we misunderstood."

The employee of the Civil Affairs Bureau who spoke just now was a little embarrassed to speak, Qin Tianyue smiled and shook his head, "It's okay."

Her smile seemed to have infected everyone, and everyone's tight heart relaxed.

I thought that the two big people who came here today are not easy to get along with, it seems that they are too caressed, this Mrs. Mo is really getting along well.

"Mrs. Mo, this is your marriage certificate."

The two red marriage certificates were handed to Qin Tianyue's hands respectfully by the staff.

When Qin Tianyue took it, he still felt as if he was dreaming. He still naively pinched his calf and found that it was really painful.

From the time she got off the plane, she came here non-stop, as if she was really dreaming, and now she really got the certificate. From today on, she has become the real Mrs. Mo.

"I wish you and Lord Mo will grow old and be happy in love."

Several staff members smiled and blessed. They liked this Mrs. Mo who was less than twenty, so beautiful and so kind. No wonder Mrs. Mo couldn't wait to marry him back before Mrs. Mo was of legal age.


Qin Tianyue smiled and thanked everyone, got up from his position and walked in the direction of Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen quickly hung up the phone and looked at Qin Tianyue walking towards him, his thin lips slightly hooked, **** and evil.

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