Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1619: He bullied you so, you should kill him (four more)

Qi Qing walked in front of Qin Tianyue, staring at Su Yanchen who was in a coma.

"Tianyue, if he bullies you so much, you should kill him. This kind of person shouldn't live in this world."

"Why don't I help you, because you still have Lord Mo behind you, are you still afraid of the Su family?"

Qi Qing tempted Qin Tianyue. She thought that Qin Tianyue was bullied by Su Yanchen, and she would definitely want to kill Su Yanchen right away.

She couldn't deal with Su Yanchen, so she would kill someone with a knife and let Qin Tianyue deal with Su Yanchen.

"Ms. Qi treats me as an idiot?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Qi Qing coldly. She knew exactly what Qi Qing had made. She would not kill Su Yanchen because she had already abolished Su Yanchen. Although Su Yanchen was hateful, she was actually a poor person. When he got up, he was just a cannon fodder. She had already taught him a lesson.

Qi Qing's complexion changed slightly, resenting Qin Tianyue in her heart, but she did not dare. After all, there was Lord Mo behind Qin Tianyue, and she was not an ordinary person herself, of course she would not be foolish and offend now.

"No, Tianyue, you have misunderstood. Su Yanchen is not a good person at all. He and these people have insulted countless girls. You are so kind, how can you let him go."

Qi Qing showed a pleased smile, wishing that Qin Tianyue would clean up Su Yanchen immediately, so as not to prevent her from doing anything.

"He has his hand broken now, and he will be a useless person in the future."

She had broken Su Yanchen's hand just now. Even if she recovers later, Su Yanchen will be a useless person, and she will never look like a normal person again.

Hearing that Su Yanchen was a useless person, a crazy smile flashed across Qi Qing's eyes, "Tianyue, you are still the best."

Qin Tianyue ignored Qi Qing. At this time, Qi Qing was no different from Kon Jiajia at the time. She didn't want to talk to her, Su Yanchen was abandoned, and Qi Qing was no better than him.

She abolished Su Yanchen today, and was ready to confront the Su family. She was a little impulsive today, but she didn't regret it.

She knew that the Su family was almost exhausted, so she didn't have to worry so much?

Besides, there is a man behind her who is supporting her. He once said that no matter what she does, she only needs to do it. He is behind her to support her.

With him, would she still be afraid of the Su family?

No, she was not afraid from the beginning, the game is almost over, she should also close the net, I hope the Su family can bear it.

"You just left?"

Standing behind Qin Tianyue, Qi Qing couldn't believe that Qin Tianyue was about to leave like this.

"if not?"

Qin Tianyue looked back at Qi Qing, is she still here?

"No, I didn't mean that, Tianyue, don't you want to know who told Su Yanchen you were here?"

"I want to be friends with you, it's true."

Qi Qing walked to Qin Tianyue and said in a deep voice.

Qin Tianyue turned around and looked at Qi Qing coldly, "What do you want to say?"

"Actually, the reason why Su Yanchen knows that you are here is because of Yun Zhixi. Yun Zhixi told him."

Qi Qing had followed Su Yanchen here a long time ago, and her people also came here. She was originally prepared to wait for the opportunity to deal with Su Yanchen, so she would know what Yun Zhixi said.

It seemed casual, but in fact she knew that Yun Zhixi had told Su Yanchen on purpose.

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