Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1627: Qin Tianyue, dare you be so calm (four more)

Qin Tianyue hung up the phone, sat on the swing, and swayed gently, without the slightest panic or fear on his face, but with a leisurely look, as if the people were just ordinary strangers, not the troublemakers.

A dozen bodyguards quickly got out of the car and surrounded Qin Tianyue's villa without letting anyone in.

Su Zhengyang got out of the car headed by him, his expression gloomy, and the aura of the superiors suddenly appeared.

Sang Qiu followed Su Zhengyang out of the car, and a car behind him got into Su Anxin and pushed Su Yanchen out of the car.

The four of them stood in front of Qin Tianyue's villa, their eyes falling outside the villa.

Sang Qiu had known that Qin Tianyue lived in Jinglin Community some time ago. In her mind, Qin Tianyue was just a medicine boy at the Xuanyi Shop and had no ability at all. From the bottom of my heart, she subconsciously believed that Qin Tianyue lived in someone else's home, and she couldn't afford it.

Su Anxin pushed Su Yanchen with a cold snort.

Su Yanchen looked at the villa gloomily, with a fierce light flashing under his eyes.

"Go in!"

Su Zhengyang coldly ordered the bodyguard behind him, who kicked open the carved door of Qin Tianyue's villa, and a group of people entered the villa directly.

Qin Tianyue sat on the swing, quietly looking at the uninvited Su family.

Su Zhengyang stopped first, and Sang Qiu Su Anxin then stopped.

Su Yanchen looked at Qin Tianyue angrily, wanted to get up, but couldn't move, so she could only say viciously, "Qin Tianyue."

Sitting on the swing, Qin Tianyue looked at the Su family indifferently, "The Su family is also one of the five big wealthies at any rate, and it's really insightful that they will also enter other people's houses privately."

"Qin Tianyue, how dare you be so calm?"

Su Zhengyang looked at Qin Tianyue coldly. This was almost the first time he saw Sang Qiu's daughter Qin Tianyue. This daughter was actually much more beautiful than Sang Qiu when she was young, and Su Zhengyang was very uncomfortable with the slight ridicule in her eyes.

"Why am I not calm? Qin Tianyue, I sit upright, why not calm?"

"Shouldn't it be your Su family who really want to talk about it? Isn't that mean and shameless just talking about you?"

She hasn't taken the initiative to find the door, and they actually come first, so she is not welcome.

The vitality of the Su family will slowly be lost from today, and the Su family will slowly disappear in the capital, and Sang Qiu and Su Anxin will no longer exist.

"You... a mouth with sharp teeth."

Su Zhengyang squinted his sharp eyes, and it was the first time he met Qin Tianyue. He didn't expect to be such a powerful girl. No wonder he could make his wife, daughter, and nephew like this. Today, he will not let this girl go.

"Qin Tianyue, I didn't educate you well, and I won't be partial to you. You should pay the price if you harm Yan Chen into this way."

Sang Qiu stepped forward, his expression pretending to be heartache, but there was no feeling in his eyes.

"Qin Tianyue, you are not my sister, you are a demon."

Su Anxin stood behind Su Yanchen, looking at Qin Tianyue fiercely, with a sneer in his eyes.

Because she knew that after today, Qin Tianyue would disappear in the capital, maybe he would spend the second half of his life in a prison, or disappear into this world.

"Partiality? Devil?"

Qin Tianyue sat on the swing, leaning on the swing rope with one hand, with a mocking smile in his eyes.

"Don't you feel sick before saying this?"

After speaking, Qin Tianyue got up from the swing, with a thin smile and beautiful eyes, which made Su Anxin unable to look directly.

"Bitch, you made me like this, I won't let you go."

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