Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1631: The relationship between Lord Mo and Qin Tianyue (eight shifts)

If it hadn't been for Hua Zhenzhu and others to speak, she might not have doubted.

Impossible, how is it possible? Absolutely impossible? She doesn't believe it, absolutely doesn't believe it.

Sang Qiu felt that he had a terrible headache and couldn't help frowning fiercely.

"Mom, what are you thinking, you talk, these people are too much."

Su Anxin looked at Sang Qiu as if frowning and thinking about something, stretched out his hand to hold Sang Qiu, and said in a deep voice.

Sang Qiu's thoughts were interrupted and couldn't help holding his forehead, something seemed to pass away in a flash.

Suddenly, Sang Qiu's face turned pale.

She remembered that Master Mo had warned her that the girl was the one in his heart, and if their Su family dared to hurt her, he would never let her go.

If Qin Tianyue is the owner of the Xuanyi Shop and the girl, then she is the person on the cusp of Lord Mo.

Offended the person on the cusp of Lord Mo, can their Su family still survive?

No, it's not like that. If Qin Tianyue is really the person on the cusp of Lord Mo, she will deal with her so many times, it will not be all right.

But... when she framed Qin Tianyue, Lord Mo suddenly came and sealed her Mingya club.

Assistant Yan said that it was because Mr. Mi had offended Master Mo, but she cooperated with Mr. Mi. Is that true?

Why does she get confused the more she thinks about it?

"Qin Tianyue, it's really her!"

Sang Qiu whispered, as if he had figured out something, his face was pale and his expression was unbelievable.

"Mom, what is really her? Are you confused? You believe what they are saying? How could Qin Tianyue, a hillbilly, be that woman?"

Su Anxin snorted, what happened to her mother? Is it faint?

"Master Mo, if she really is, we offend Master Mo, Su Family...Su Family..."

Sang Qiu whispered, he couldn't think normally at all, he just felt his head was messed up.

She couldn't believe that the daughter she had abandoned not only possessed such a powerful identity, but also supported by Lord Mo behind her.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? How could Qin Tianyue have something to do with Lord Mo? If she really has something to do, can we still live if we framed her so many times?"

Su Anxin didn't understand what Sang Qiu was thinking about, who was Lord Mo, if they really bullied the person in his heart, would their Su family still survive?

Now the Su family was only slightly hit by Lord Mo, but also because of Mi Sum and something, not because of Qin Tianyue at all.

Su Anxin has no brains than Sang Qiu, and in fact he is not. It's just that Su Anxin doesn't believe this matter subconsciously and directly ruled out this possibility.

Qin Tianyue stood there, letting Sang Qiu look at it, with a faint smile on his lips.

She watched Sang Qiu's face turn pale, without the slightest blood, and her already haggard face became more and more ugly.

"You lied to me, have you always lied to me?"

Sang Qiu and Qin Tianyue stared at each other, and asked in a cold voice.

"Mrs. Su joked, I never lied to you, everything is your own imagination."

Qin Tianyue puts his hands around his chest, his lazy posture reveals nobleness.

What she said was correct. Whether it was a waiter, a medicine boy, or a hillbilly, Sangqiu's mother and daughter had imagined them, she just didn't tell them their true identity.

If she told it, it wouldn't be fun anymore, would it?

Because she firmly believes that Sang Qiu will definitely change her strategy, and she will have to think of ways to deal with it.

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