Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1644: Lord Mo will be upset when he hears it (five shifts)

Valin smiled, calming the atmosphere, "Well, everyone is hungry too, go in now."

Hua Zhenzhu smiled and entered the villa together.

Yun Jingxing wanted to enter the villa together, but was stopped by Mo Yan, "President Yun, you should go back first."

"Why? It's almost noon, I helped so much, can't I leave after eating?"

Yun Jingxing Ruyu's face was incredulous, and he raised his head to look at Mo Yishen, who was walking towards the villa, speaking in a clear voice.

Mo Yishen's slender and tall body stopped and looked back at Yun Jingxing, with a warning in his eyes.

Yun Jingxing raised his eyebrows, "Ingredient."

"President Yun said carefully, Lord Mo will be unhappy when he hears it."

Mo Yan opened his mouth sharply, and Yun Jingxing snorted coldly, "If you don't keep it, don't keep it. I still can't find food to eat?"

After all, Yun Jingxing strode towards the outside, Mo Yan slightly curled his lips.

At Valin’s birthday party, many people drank too much, especially Hua Qianfan and Hua Mingsheng.

Qin Tianyue was also dragged and drank a few more glasses. His eyes crossed the crowd and fell on Mo Yishen. Seeing that he was chatting with Hua Mingsheng and the others, there was no usual coldness and alienation. The corners of Qin Tianyue's lips were slightly curved.

As if he was aware of her gaze, Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes crossed Hua Qianfan and fell on Qin Tianyue's body, his thin lips raised slightly, and his eyes were soft.

"Tian Yue."

Valin sat next to Qin Tianyue, his cheeks were reddish and he held Qin Tianyue's hand, "Tianyue, you and Master Mo are also very good at keeping secret."

Hua Zhenzhu put down the cups in their hands and looked at Qin Tianyue.

"Yes, we don't even know when we got the certificate."

Hua Zhenzhu smiled, but she didn't expect Mo Yishen to move so quickly, actually pulling Qin Tianyue to receive the certificate, completely turning her into his.

If it weren't what happened today, maybe they still don't know.

"I didn't hide it on purpose, I want to tell you at this time."

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, she did think so too, and Mo Yishen had received the certification for a while, and she shouldn't hide it from her friend.

Today, Shen Wenwen couldn't come because of something, and Bai Chuxia couldn't come back because of her studies, but she was still going to tell Hua Zhenzhu the real relationship between herself and Mo Yishen.

As for the father's side, she was going to take them to the capital after solving Sangqiu, and then tell them the matter.

"so it is."

"Congratulations, when can I drink your wedding wine?"

Valing leaned in front of Qin Tianyue, cheeky to be pleased with a drink.


Qin Tianyue didn't know what to say at this time, she hadn't figured it out yet.


A deep and **** voice rang from the direction of the man. Qin Tianyue passed a few people and looked towards Mo Yishen who was sitting in the direction of the man. Did he hear their conversation? Or just pay attention to this side all the time.

"What's fast?"

The high-drinking Hua Qianfan hadn't realized what Mo Yishen said, and looked back and forth at Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen looked at each other's phoenix eyes, and both of them had deep affection for each other in their eyes.

Hualing glanced at Qin Tianyue, looked at her gentle smile, picked up the wine glass in front of him, stood up, and raised it.

"Sect Master, Lord Mo, I wish you all grow old together."

Hua Zhenzhu smiled and stood up holding the wine glass, "On behalf of the genius doctor who has not yet arrived, I wish the master and Mo Ye live forever and give birth to a child."

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