Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1662: Fool, all I want is you (seven more)

The anger in his heart was always hidden, because when he heard what she said and heard that she had suffered so much, she was given by the closest person, he was very uncomfortable, but more distressed.

It turned out that there was so much pain and hatred hidden under her smiling smile. He didn't know her in the previous life. Fortunately, he found her first in this life, otherwise he didn't know what his girl would become.

"Why do you call me stupid?"

Qin Tianyue stared at Mo Yishen displeasedly, she was stupid, but he should not say it.

"They bully you, I will make them pay twice, and no one can escape."

Mo Yishen said indifferently, but when his eyes fell on Qin Tianyue, he was very soft and affectionate.

"You didn't take good care of yourself in the last life, and I won't let you be hurt like that in this life."

Qin Tianyue's nose is sour and he has been holding back tears to prevent it from slipping off.

"Thank you, Mo Yishen, thank you, thank God for letting me meet you."

He didn't say anything, just a simple sentence, it was enough.

In his heart, she is always the best, even if she was really stupid in the previous life, so stupid that there is no cure, she is still the best in his heart, and she has never shown some disgust because of her stupid behavior.

"I should thank God, thank it for rebirth, otherwise how would I meet you?"

Mo Yishen lowered his head, and landed on Qin Tianyue's lips with an affectionate kiss.

Deep fear flashed through his eyes, and he had been afraid when listening to her lightly recounting the things of his previous life.

His Yue'er actually suffered such a huge pain when he didn't know it. He didn't know anything and couldn't bear it for her. She could only bear it by herself. No wonder she would have tears in her dreams.

Qin Tianyue hugged Mo Yishen tightly, tears couldn't help but slide down again, "Mo Yishen, I was very stupid in my previous life. If there is no space, no small fire, no Qinglian fairy, I will still be the one me, how can I... Well……"

Qin Tianyue's words of inferiority have not been finished yet, and the fierce and fierce kiss has already fallen, as if he wants to swallow her next words into her stomach, so as not to let her talk nonsense.

Qin Tianyue was immersed in Mo Yishen's warm kiss, and the tears that fell from the corner of her eyes were swallowed by him, and she seemed to be able to taste the salty taste of tears.

"Fool, all I want is you, no matter if you have space or nothing else, it's just you."

Maybe it really was fate. At the moment he saw her, he had already determined that if he hadn't, he wouldn't have looked at her more.

If he were another woman, with space and medical skills, he would definitely not take another look, because that woman was not her, not his Yueer.

Mo Yishen's words burned Qin Tianyue's heart. She only felt that her heart was beating more than usual, very warm and warm.

His words never need too much, just a few short sentences have expressed everything about him.

"Even the ordinary me, do you want me?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen with her red lips slightly swollen. The kiss was heavy this time, and she knew he was punishing her.

"If I have nothing, just a countryman, would you like it?"

Mo Yishen did not answer Qin Tianyue's words, but instead asked Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue nodded without thinking, "Yes, I want, no matter who you are and whether you have a prominent identity, I only want you."

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