Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1665: Sangqiu is over (two more)

Sang Qiu stood behind Ye Qin, looking coldly, "Give me the phone."

Her mobile phone was taken away by Mo Yishen, only Ye Qin's mobile phone was used. Fortunately, she remembered the number of the person she hired.

Sang Qiu hurriedly dialed the restaurant manager's phone, but it rang several times before answering, "Who?"

"it's me!"

Sang Qiu's voice was cold, and the person on the other end hadn't reacted for the first time, "husband...madam."

"What's the matter with the restaurant?"

Sang Qiu looked at the closed restaurant in front of him with cold eyes. Without her permission, they actually dared to close the restaurant. Who gave it the courage?

"Madam, it's none of our business, but President Su told us to close it."

The restaurant manager also felt very bitter. They opened it well. Today, they suddenly received a notice from Su Zhengyang asking them to close the restaurant. Everyone didn’t know what was going on. They wanted to call Sang Qiu, but they couldn’t get through. .

"What did you say?"

Sang Qiu wanted to throw the phone on the ground angrily. After hanging up the phone severely, he roared coldly, "Su Zhengyang, Su Zhengyang, you are too cruel."

She and Su Zhengyang's husband and wife for more than ten years never knew he could be so cruel.

She gave birth to a pair of sons and daughters for him. There was no credit and hard work. Just because he offended Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue, he killed her and chilled her heart.

"Madam, don't be angry."

Ye Qin was a little afraid of the angry Sangqiu, but couldn't help but step forward to comfort him, "It's better to call the master, maybe it's not the master's doing it?"

Sang Qiu looked back at Ye Qin, snorted coldly, and took out his cell phone to call Su Zhengyang. The phone rang again and again, but Su Zhengyang just didn't answer the phone.

Sang Qiu angrily threw the phone directly on the wall and broke it.

Ye Qin feels distressed. This phone hasn't been bought for long. Now she has nothing, and the phone was broken by Sang Qiu.

At this time, Ye Qin and her husband also had complaints against Sang Qiu. They had been with her for so many years, except for some benefits, most of them were scolding secretly. Now that she is losing power, they are still willing to follow her, she is still playing Madame temper, don't you still understand current affairs?

"Give me the phone."

Sang Qiu didn't notice the complaints of Ye Qin and Ye Qin's husband at all, and stretched out his hand.

Ye Qin's husband was unwilling to give Sang Qiu his cell phone, because he was afraid that his cell phone would also be broken. In Ye Qin's eyes, he could only give it to Sang Qiu.

They are still holding hope, maybe this time it's just a small matter, and it will be over afterwards.

Sang Qiu is not without brains, maybe when she thinks of a way, they will go back to Su's house and become a manager.

Ye Qin's husband stepped forward and gave Sang Qiu his cell phone. After Sang Qiu took it, he called Su Zhengyang.

Su Zhengyang's cell phone rang several times, and was finally picked up. Liao Yi's charming voice came from the other end, "Hey."

"It's you."

When Sang Qiu heard Liao Yi's voice, he couldn't help being angry.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Su, are you looking for Zhengyang? Zhengyang won't see you."

"Tell Su Zhengyang to listen to the phone. I have something to tell him."

Sang Qiu closed her eyes and held back the anger in her chest. When she thought that Liao Yi was still with Su Zhengyang at Su's house, she couldn't help but want to run back to Su's house immediately to make the couple feel better.

She is still Mrs. Su, and they have not divorced Su Zhengyang yet, they are so courageous.

"Zhengyang is taking a shower, tell me what you have? Could it be that Mrs. Su figured it out and is going to sign it?"

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