Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1671: No one helped Sangqiu's mother and daughter (eight shifts)

Sang Qiu closed the door, looking very ugly, and threw the clothes in his hands to the ground, "Ye Qin took my necklace and ran away."

She is sure that the couple must have ran away. If they did sell the necklace, it would be absolutely impossible that they have not returned yet. The only possibility is to see her lose power and run away with the million-dollar necklace. Lost.

She was so blind that she trusted the couple so that she had nothing now.

"What? How is it possible?"

The corners of Su Anxin's lips trembled slightly, and her legs became soft.

How can Ye Qin dare to do this?

Su Anxin knew that the necklace on Sang Qiu's body was also the last rich thing. That necklace was very valuable, and the two of them must be interested in money.

"That bitch, I called her Aunt Qin at a loss, how did she do it?"

Su Anxin was very scared. Without the money for the necklace, what would their mother and daughter do? I can't even afford to eat food or drink water, and the hotel can't afford it even more.

Sang Qiu clenched his fists angrily, gritted his teeth, and cursed Ye Qin a hundred times in his heart.

What happened yesterday has already knocked her down, and now the betrayal of Ye Qin and his wife makes her feel that the whole world has betrayed her.

Sang Qiu's head was dizzy and painful and uncomfortable. She stood there for a long time. It was not until a long time before she walked to the place where she put her mobile phone yesterday. She picked up the mobile phone, but she didn't know who to call for help.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sang Qiu made a call to a friend of these years.

It took a long time for the phone to be picked up, and a lazy and dissatisfied voice came from the other end, "Who?"

"It's me, Sangqiu."

Sang Qiu stood in front of the hotel window, watching the people coming and going outside, holding back his anger and speaking softly.

The person on the other end of the phone was visibly taken aback, his sleepiness disappeared, and his voice was obviously colder, "Mrs. Su, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Su? !

Sang Qiu frowned and squeezed his phone tightly. These people usually want to call her by her name intimately, but now they call her Mrs. Su in a distant way? It's ridiculous.

"Mrs. Xue, I have encountered some difficulties recently, I don't know you..."

Sang Qiu didn't say anything to the person on the other end of the phone, but he held back his pride and asked in a deep voice.

"Mrs. Su, it's not that I don't help you, but I am really helpless."

Before Sang Qiu could finish speaking, the lady on the other end of the phone had already spoken first. Even if some things happened yesterday, even if they didn't know exactly what was going on, she probably knew that Sang Qiu was kicked out of the house and lost power.

In places like the capital, good things can't be spread, but bad things happen one after another, especially the Su family has been really lively these days.

As early as when the Su family was targeted by the Mo group, these noble women were warned that Shao had a relationship with the Su family. Now it seems that Sang Qiu was driven out of the house by President Su because he offended his daughter and Lord Mo, and was forever out of power. Of course, they It is impossible to be with Sang Qiu again, lest he be implicated.

Who is Lord Mo, can he offend him? Isn't Sang Qiu self-confident and smart and powerful? How could I offend Lord Mo again and again? I heard that it has something to do with her daughter, but I haven't figured out the specifics.


"Sorry, the signal is bad, I'll hang up first."

Mrs. Xue didn't want to chat with Sang Qiu any more, found an excuse, and hung up the phone directly.

Sang Qiu gritted his teeth hard looking at the hung up cell phone.

Su Anxin stood aside, similar to Sang Qiu's expression, these people actually dared to treat their mother and daughter like this.

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