Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1677: What are you doing here (six more)

Su Anxin turned her head and looked at it as if someone was about to pick up the money on the ground, and immediately yelled and picked up some money from the ground in her hands.

Sang Qiu grabbed Su Anxin's hand and glared at the picked up money in her hand, "threw it away."

"If you don't throw it, we don't have anything. We only have these few. If we throw it away, we will starve to death on the side of the road."

Su Anxin grabbed her hand, originally she didn't want to pick it up, because picking it up meant she had thrown her pride aside. She was no longer the noble Su family daughter, but the mocked Su Anxin.

Can self-esteem be eaten? Reality wants her to pick it up.

Sang Qiu clenched Su Anxin's hand tightly and couldn't help but sneer. When would she, the Su family's wife, Su family's daughter, be reduced to a charity that others ridiculed.

"Mom, let's go have a meal first, OK? After dinner, we can go home."

Su Anxin looked at Sang Qiu happily with the money. She was already too hungry and wanted to have a good meal and rest.

Looking at the happy Su Anxin, Sang Qiu finally softened her hand. She couldn't tear the money to pieces because she was also hungry, very hungry, very hungry, and very thirsty.

The mother and daughter reluctantly ate something, and took the remaining money to take a taxi to the Su's villa.

Looking at the closed door of the villa, Sang Qiu knew that she had been driven to a desperate situation. She couldn't beat Su Zhengyang, and Su Zhengyang became cold. How could she be able to fight like this now?

"Husband...what are you doing here?"

The security guard saw the mother and daughter Sangqiu standing at the door, looking at the two haggard and embarrassed appearances, and did not dare to look directly at them.

"I want to see Su Zhengyang."

Sang Qiuyin looked at the security guard coldly, and the security guard looked at Sang Qiu hesitantly, "Master will not see you."

"Didn't he ask me to sign? Go and tell him that I am willing to sign."

Sang Qiu clenched his hands tightly and looked ugly. Sang Qiu without makeup looked several years old.

The security guard glanced at Sang Qiu and quickly sent someone to tell Su Zhengyang.

About half an hour later, the door was opened, and Sang Qiu and Su Anxin were taken into Su's house.

In a short time, the Su family seemed to be unable to recognize Sangqiu. Some of the flowers and plants she planted were transplanted, the living room was replaced with other things, and all the things she knew disappeared in the villa.

Sang Qiu and Su Anxin stood in the living room, looking indifferently at the strange Su family hall.

Seeing the food on the coffee table, Su Anxin sat on the sofa and gobbled it up. Even if she had only eaten, she was hungry. Because of the lack of money, she and her mother just ate something casually.

"Why did Miss Su become like this after not seeing you in a short time?"

A coquettish voice sounded not far away, Sang Qiu raised his head, and at the top of the exquisite stairs, Liao Yi slowly walked down, looking at the two arrogantly.

Behind her, there was no figure of Su Zhengyang.

"What about him? I want to see Su Zhengyang."

Sang Qiu looked at Liao Yi coldly. Su Anxin threw away what was in her hand. Under Liao Yi's mockery, she raised her head and looked at Liao Yi angrily. It was this woman who had robbed her father and her home.

"Zhengyang doesn't want to see you. I heard that you are going to sign. Zhengyang let me be responsible for all this."

Liao Yi sat on the sofa, gently touched her belly and waved his hand. A bodyguard came over with the divorce agreement behind him and placed it in front of the coffee table in front of Sang Qiu.

Sang Qiu stared at Liao Yi, his eyes finally fell on the divorce agreement.

"Why? Don't want to sign? Do you think you still have a chance to regret it now? This is the only chance. If you miss it, there will be no more."

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