Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1685: Mad Sangqiu mother and daughter (six shifts)

"Ah... bitch, I want you to pay for my brother's life."

Su Anxin rushed towards Liao Yi frantically and rushed towards Liao Yi's stomach.

Before Liao Yi had recovered from the panic, he saw Su Anxin rushing over and hurriedly hid behind Su Zhengyang.

Su Zhengyang stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Anxin fiercely. After a push, Su Anxin fell to the ground.

Sang Qiu watched her daughter being bullied and her son killed. His heart was cruel, and he ran to the coffee table aside, picked up a fruit knife, and rushed towards Su Zhengyang.

Her son is dead, she is now like this, Su Zhengyang is still protecting the fox, she will not let them go.

Su Zhengyang watched Sang Qiu rushing towards him with scarlet eyes, where he could care about Liao Yi, and quickly hid away.

"Sangqiu, do you know what you are doing?"

How could he marry such a lunatic woman, she actually wanted to kill him.

"Su Zhengyang, you damn, you damn."

Sang Qiu stabs Su Zhengyang frantically, and Su Zhengyang hides everywhere.

Seeing this opportunity, Su Anxin stepped forward and grabbed Liao Yi's hand and kicked her in the stomach fiercely.

Because Liao Yi was pregnant, she was not Su Anxin's opponent at all. Su Anxin kicked her belly fiercely, and she felt pain all over her body.

Liao Yi ran upstairs, Su Anxin didn't give her a chance to escape. She grabbed Liao Yi's hand and tried to push it downstairs.

Liao Yi was very scared, shouting at his own child, and hitting Su Anxin backhandedly.

Both of them were on the stairs and didn't know what was going on. Liao Yi and Su Anxin both rolled down the stairs.

A bang sounded.

Sang Qiu stopped taking the next step, looked over, and yelled in panic, "Reassured."

Sang Qiu's distraction caused Su Zhengyang to almost **** the fruit knife in her hand.

The red in Sang Qiu's eyes grew more and more, and resentment filled her body. She knew that she was finished, and she had no chance to look back. Her son was dead and her daughter was lying on the ground dying.

She has to kill Su Zhengyang and Liao Yi to relieve her hatred, "Su Zhengyang, I want to kill you."

Su Zhengyang's eyes were cold, and he grabbed Sang Qiu's hand, Sang Qiu stabs forward forcefully, Su Zhengyang grabbed her hand and folded, and the fruit knife in Sang Qiu's hand pierced her chest directly.

The blood soon filled out, and Sang Qiu lowered his head unbelievably, covered his chest with trembling hands, and looked at Su Zhengyang with his eyes.

Su Zhengyang's hands were stained with blood from Sang Qiu's body. He took a step back in fear, and he actually killed someone, "I didn't...I didn't mean it."

Sang Qiu fell on the ground, aching all over, especially his chest pain, and could only watch the blood coming out of his body.

"Mommy mommy……"

Su Anxin’s weak voice came, and Sang Qiu tilted his head to look. Su Anxin fell on the ground, bleeding from the back of her head like Su Annan. Next to her, Liao Yi covered her stomach and screamed in pain. A piece of blood.

Sang Qiu slowly crawled in Su Anxin's direction, "An Xin, An Xin."

"Mom, it hurts, it hurts."

Su Anxin stretched out her hand to cover the back of her head. There seemed to be a flash in her head. She couldn't take care of it. She only felt the pain in her head was severe. She was pushed down the stairs by Liao Yi and knocked to the edge of the stairs. The back of her head was full of blood. Will she just die like her brother? She doesn't want to die.

Sang Qiu climbed up to Su Anxin with difficulty, hugged Su Anxin, "Nothing will happen, nothing will happen."

"Hurry up and save people."

"Quick, quick."

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