Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1689: You owe me and my father, even if you die, it’s still unclear (two more)

Hearing that the door of the ward was opened, Su Anxin turned her head with difficulty, and when she saw the person coming, she raised a pale and feeble smile, "You...come."

Qin Tianyue finally came, she was very afraid that she would not wait for Qin Tianyue's arrival, and she was also afraid that Qin Tianyue would not come here, after all, she really hated her.

I didn't know why Qin Tianyue hated her so much. After life and death, she seemed to have some memories in her head that she shouldn't have. Although the memories were absurd to her, she believed it.

That was the previous life of her and Qin Tianyue. She never thought that after she hadn't lived, there would be inexplicable memories pouring into her mind. Perhaps it was because of this memory that she came back to life again.

Also let her know a lot of things that she didn't know before.

Qin Tianyue is here, and she can say something to her at the end.

If she does not come, she will die with regret.

"I am coming!"

Qin Tianyue stood in front of Su Anxin's hospital bed, looking at Su Anxin who was dying, and then at Sang Qiu, who was pale with only a breath.

Seemingly knowing her arrival, Sang Qiu opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the glamorous Qin Tianyue. He couldn't help but laugh, but because of the laughter, he coughed hard and blood flowed out of Sang Qiu's oxygen mask.

"Qin Tianyue, I was defeated, I was defeated, and I was defeated by your hands."

Sang Qiu had no gods in her eyes. She was always wise, and she thought she would go on like this for a lifetime, but ended up like this in the end.

The family is destroyed, her son is dead, her daughter is also going to die, and the Su family is also over, she is going to die soon.

"You are not defeated by my hands, but by your stupidity."

Qin Tianyue looked at Sang Qiu without the slightest expression, and said coldly.

She was killed by Sang Qiu for how stupid she was in her previous life. I can only blame herself for being too stupid. In this life, she really did count. She didn’t actually use her hands a few times, but only contributed to it. Let Sang Qiu and Su Anxin become like this.


Sang Qiu smiled bitterly, "Yes, I was defeated by my own stupidity. If I were more careful and checked more, I wouldn't even know how to die."

I don't know if it's coming back, Sang Qiu is more energetic than before, and even the laughter is louder, but it's a little bleak.

Qin Tianyue is a genius doctor, and naturally knows that Sang Qiu's face is dead gray, and she will not live long.

Seeing with his own eyes that the person he hated was about to die in front of him, Qin Tianyue didn't feel well, but felt dull and uncomfortable.

This is her relative, the relative who wants to put her to death.

When she was very young, she saw other people's parents being happy and harmonious. She was very envious, and she had also defended her mother. Maybe she didn't want her cruelly.

Thinking back now, I realized how ironic it was.

"I always thought that you were just a person who knew nothing, but in the end you know everything, cough cough, if I were more alert, how could I end up like this."

"I spent my entire life pursuing wealth and honor, but in the end I got nothing, my reputation was ruined, my sons and daughters left me, and my husband and wife were alienated."

"Qin Tianyue, do I owe you or you owe me?"

Sang Qiu laughed loudly, desolately and miserably.

"I never owe you anything, you owe me and my father, even if you die, you won't be able to pay it off. Sangqiu, you are not worthy of being a mother in your whole life."

Qin Tianyue looked at Sang Qiu coldly. If she hadn't been in this life, how could Sang Qiu lie here with such emotion.

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