Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1691: Can actually be reborn and come back for revenge (four more)

She was scared by Qin Tianyue that day. She said she was a ghost and came to avenge her. She didn't believe it at the time, but now she believes it is true.

If it weren't for the memory of the operating table, she would know nothing.

Qin Tianyue turned around, those beautiful eyes with a cold light, "Don't you believe it?"

"Haha, I have never believed it. If I believed you, how could I end up like this? No, even if I believed it, I would end up like this."

Su Anxin's eyes were full of madness, she only hated that her memory came too late, otherwise how could it become like this.

Such a mysterious thing happened to her, she couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it.

Qin Tianyue in this life is already ready for revenge. No wonder their mother and daughter will end up so miserably.

"Qin Tianyue, you are so lucky that you can be reborn and come back for revenge."

Su Anxin's eyes widened, God really treated Qin Tianyue kindly and gave her a beautiful face. They framed her, and she could be reborn for revenge, with a stunning light, shining in the eyes of countless people, and now possessing everyone The envious identity, there is also a husband whom everyone respects.

"Yes, I did come back to take revenge. I want you to pay the price you should pay. You left me dead in the last life. In this life, I treat you like this is already light."

"Originally, you were less bad-hearted, and I wouldn't let you end up so miserably. I blame you for being too disgusting."

"I came from **** and took revenge with hatred. How could you escape."

Qin Tianyue sneered and looked at Su An's weakness, even if Su An hated her in his heart, there would be no chance.

"Hahaha, the price? I have paid the price in the last life."

Su Anxin's eyes were dim, and the last hatred suddenly burst out.

"Qin Tianyue, I am jealous of you, do you know how much I am jealous of you."

"I thought he loved me, but I didn't know until the end that he loved you and has always been you."

"Even if you die, you are in his heart."

Su Anxin looked at Qin Tianyue angrily. She was defeated in this life. In the previous life, she thought she had succeeded, but the defeat was even more miserable.

On the operating table, she knew everything about the moment the memory flooded in. After Qin Tianyue entered the institute in the previous life, she humiliated her and abused her.

She got the thrill of victory and enjoyed the fruits of victory with her mother.

Later, she married Lu Jingyi and became his wife. She also became his wife. She only knew that he had already taken care of Qin Tianyue, but he didn't know it.

Knowing that Qin Tianyue died in the research institute, Lu Jingyi seemed to be a different person, becoming colder towards her, preferring to find a woman like Qin Tianyue outside instead of seeing her.

She cried, but Lu Jingyi became colder and colder until she couldn't bear it, confronted Lu Jingyi, insulted him, and questioned him. Qin Tianyue was also murdered by him.

At that time, she saw Lu Jingyi's desperate look with her own eyes.

Later, Lu Jingyi bought drunk all day, just for Qin Tianyue, who had been dead for many years. At that time, her heart was dead. On one night, she was buried in the flames with Lu Jingyi.

Knowing his own results in the previous life, Su Anxin laughed at herself for a long time.

In the previous life and in this life, she actually ended up like this, loving a man and losing herself in love, and ultimately because he became a human being, a ghost, and a ghost.

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