Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1693: Why do you never see me (six more)

Su Anxin looked at the door of the ward. In fact, she wanted to see Lu Jingyi at the last moment. Even if she had memories of her past life and hated Lu Jingyi, she still wanted to see Lu Jingyi at the last moment of this life.

She didn't know if Lu Jingyi also had memories of his previous life, so she had feelings for Qin Tianyue first in this life.

As her body became colder and her breathing weakened, Su Anxin knew she was about to die.

"I don't want to die, I still have a great life, how can I die."

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"Why is God unfair to me? Why can Qin Tianyue be born again?"

"Lu Jingyi, I love you so much, why do you never see me."

Su Anxin's eyes were dizzy, her voice was getting smaller and weaker, and finally she was unwilling to lose her breath.

On the hospital bed, Sang Qiu and Su Anxin had the same expressions, with unwillingness and despair on their faces.

Soon after Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen left, the doctors and nurses who treated Su Anxin Sangqiu came in, checked, shook their heads and sighed.

The Su family and Miss Su family died on the same day. The Su family is officially disintegrated from today, and the five giants will no longer have the status of the Su family.

Soon, Su Zhengyang was released. After Su Zhengyang knew that Sangqiu Su Anxin had died, he didn't make any expressions.

However, Su Annan's death and Liao Yi's miscarriage made Su Zhengyang seem a lot older for a moment.

Next, Su Zhengqi was found, but it was Su Zhengqi's body that was found.

The Su family suffered a series of blows in the following, and the Su group was rejected by the capital because of offending Mo Yishen. Soon after, Su Zhengyang left the capital, but Liao Yi left the capital with Su Zhengyang affectionately.

The March sun was warm, Qin Tianyue finished class and Shen Wenwen left Beijing University.

Following the incident of Sang Qiusu’s peace of mind, most of the people in Beijing knew that Qin Tianyue was the owner of the Xuanyi Shop, and also knew that her medical skills were amazing, and they also knew that she was related to Lord Mo of the Mo group. So far, many people wanted to please Qin Tianyue, but Retreat because of her alienation.

"I'm going back."

Shen Wenwen held his book and waved to Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue nodded and smiled softly, "Be careful on the road."

"Know it."

Shen Wenwen smiled happily, got into the car of Shen's family, and the car drove away quickly.

Qin Tianyue walked to the door of the house and looked at the tall figure standing in front of the car smoking a cigarette. He stopped, his expression slightly cold.

A Lamborghini parked outside Qin Tianyue's villa, Lu Jingyi's slender figure leaned on the Lamborghini, his eyes tranced, and a cigarette between his fingers.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lu Jingyi turned around, threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground, and strode towards Qin Tianyue.

Seeing Lu Jingyi, Qin Tianyue did not turn around and leave, but stood still, staring at him coldly.

"Tian Yue."

Lu Jingyi's expression was a little bit painful, Junyi's gentle face was haggard, "Are you hiding from me?"

Lu Jingyi knew all about the events circulating in the capital during this period, but he couldn't believe it. He had been looking for Qin Tianyue, but she had been avoiding him all the time.

Knowing that she was hiding from him, he didn't know how painful he was, and he had been buying drunk these few days.

"Mr. Lu, do you think I have to avoid you?"

Qin Tianyue said lightly, facing Lu Jingyi as if facing a stranger, no, worse than a stranger.

"If you haven't avoided me, why do I not see you every time I want to see you?"

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