Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1696: I love you very much (one more)

Qin Tianyue spoke faintly, and the familiar breath next to her softened. The next moment, she was held in Mo Yi's arms, very tight and warm.

Qin Tianyue raised his head to look at Mo Yishen, and smiled delicately at him.

Looking at the invisible affection between the two, Lu Jingyi couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

He knew he was defeated, and he was defeated from the beginning.

He knew her very well, but he felt like he had never known her. How could she treat another man like this?

"He is your husband?"

"Are you married?"

Lu Jingyi looked at the two in despair, how could he fail to see the affection in Mo Yi's eyes, which was a bit stronger than the affection in Qin Tianyue's eyes. What he said just now was simply deceiving himself and others, and he actually said that Mo Yishen was not to Qin Tianyue at all. Sincere.

Qin Tianyue turned around and looked at Lu Jingyi indifferently, "Yes, he is my husband, and we are a legal couple."

The words Qin Tianyue left behind made Lu Jingyi laugh with self-deprecating laughter.

They were actually married. Jingcheng only rumored that she was Mo Yishen's girlfriend, but he didn't expect that they were all married.

He is late, late.

No, it never started, how could it be too late, but in the dream she liked him obviously.


Lost and lost, Lu Jingyi walked towards his car. The car drove quickly and quickly disappeared in place.

He didn't dare to stay for a moment, because there was no place for him to stay here.

Lu Jingyi left Qin Tianyue without any turbulence. Just about to turn around, Qin Tianyue touched his nose with a frown. He just raised his head, and a hot and gentle kiss fell, making her breathing quicker.

Qin Tianyue hooked Mo Yishen's neck with a smile, allowing him to kiss lingeringly.

"I am very happy."

A deep and **** voice rang in Qin Tianyue's ears, and Qin Tianyue opened his eyes and smiled charmingly at Mo Yishen.

She knew that Mo Yishen had always minded the existence of Lu Jingyi in her heart. Today, she expressed her heart in the face of Mo Yishen, and wanted to let him know that from the beginning to the end, she was only him. Others, how much he loves her, she loves him as much.

"Mo Yishen!"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and stretched out his slender fingers to touch Mo Yishen's cheek, "I love you, I love you very much."

"Yue'er, I love you too."

Mo Yishen's thin **** lips aroused, and he was in a good mood. No matter how bad he was just now, he is in a good mood now, because he likes to listen to Qin Tianyue's words.

"Just say it again."

Mo Yishen hooked Qin Tianyue's waist and pressed her slightly.

The corner of Qin Tianyue's lips twitched slightly, and looked at Mo Yishen with an annoyed look, "No, you let me go first, I'm going to cook."

Qin Tianyue pushed Mo Yishen, but Mo Yishen lifted her up, "I'll do it."

Qin Tianyue leaned in Mo Yi's arms and smiled, "Okay."

This is her husband, who loves her husband. It is her Qin Tianyue. Every sentence that she said to Lu Jingyi is the most true. Meeting Mo Yishen is the greatest blessing in her life. It may be true to be able to marry her. It is the reward for doing good deeds for generations.

Seeing Mo Yishen busy in the kitchen, Qin Tianyue's lips kept smiling.

When she was busy in the kitchen, Mo Yishen liked to lean against the door frame and look at her. She could see him when she looked back.

When he was busy in the kitchen, she also leaned against the door frame and looked at him. He looked back at her as well. The two would always look at each other and smile when they looked at each other. This is their love.

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