Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1701: I want to meet you (six more)

If Yun Jingxing didn't remind her, maybe she would really do it, even if Yun Jingxing warned her, she would not be reconciled in her heart and wanted to kill Qin Tianyue.

But she was also afraid, afraid that Mo Yishen would really deal with her and the Yun family for Qin Tianyue when the time came.

Yun Zhixi curled up on the ground, smiling idiotically, and murmured nonstop.

She had a dream. The dream was the same as her previous dream. Mo Yishen was wearing a groom's costume and was very handsome. He smiled gently at her and stretched out his slender palm.

On the second day after waking up, Yun Zhixi called Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue, who received the call, was in the space, looking at the sleeping little Huo. Recently, Xiao Huo was very sleepy. She didn’t know what was going on. She checked Xiao Huo, but it didn’t happen anyway. sleepy.

Touching the sleeping little fire, Qin Tianyue got out of the room and answered the phone, "Hey!"

"Qin Tianyue, I am Yun Zhixi, and I want to meet you."

On the other side of the phone, Yun Zhixi's voice was very flat, without the slightest ups and downs.

"……it is good!"

Qin Tianyue nodded after thinking about it for nearly a minute. Yun Zhixi wanted to find her. Even if she did not meet today, one day Yun Zhixi would find a way to meet her, and she could not hide.

Yun Zhixi and her had an appointment at a coffee shop called Time. This coffee shop is not far from the Mo Group. You can clearly see the Mo Group Building. It is said that the owner of this cafe is Yun Zhixi.

When Qin Tianyue arrived, the coffee shop was temporarily closed, and there were no people. Only Yun Zhixi was leaning against the window, his eyes were in the direction of the Mo Group, Xingmu was complicated.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yun Zhixi moved slightly, until Qin Tianyue took the seat, before closing his gaze back.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

Yun Zhixi looked at Qin Tianyue quietly for a while before speaking.

Qin Tianyue didn't speak, but just smiled lightly.

She didn't have much friendship with Yun Zhixi, and even said that Yun Zhixi was not friendly to her. This time it shouldn't be a good thing to let her come.

A waiter put a cup of hot coffee in front of Qin Tianyue, and quickly withdrew. In the cafe, only Qin Tianyue and Yun Zhixi were sitting opposite each other.

"Just say anything."

Qin Tianyue glanced at the Mo Group, stretched out his hand to rub the coffee cup in front of him, and did not drink it.

Yun Zhixi kept looking at Qin Tianyue, taking her full view of her face.

This woman was the first time that jealousy surged in her heart. It used to be because of her appearance.

From a young age, she knew that she was very beautiful, and almost no one could compare to her, and coupled with her family background, almost no one could compare to her.

But the moment she saw Qin Tianyue, she felt a sense of crisis, but a girl from a mountainous area had such a stunning appearance. At the banquet, even if the boys had mockery in their eyes, they were more shocking.

"Qin Tianyue, you don't know that I hate you very much."

Yun Zhixi didn't mean anything. She knew Qin Tianyue was a very smart woman, so she didn't plan to mean anything.

"I know, that's why you instigated Su Yanchen to deal with me at the Imperial Court Club that day."

Qin Tianyue folded his hands, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Yun Zhixi with cold eyes, as if he wanted to see through her whole heart.

Yun Zhixi's heart tightened by her gaze, how could she know?

"You know? Why didn't you tell Lord Mo?"

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