Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1713: Yueer, we have a baby (6 more)

If you really have a child, even if you have guessed it, when you see the tiny embryo in the computer screen, you still can't help but feel excited.

She could feel Mo Yishen's grasping her hand tightening, and sweating slightly from the palm of her hand. Qin Tianyue knew that Mo Yishen was restraining his emotions. He was very excited and she could feel it.

Seeing Mo Yishen accompanying him, her **** thin lips pressed tightly, Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing.

Mo Yishen turned his head and met Qin Tianyue's smiling eyebrows. Those serious eyebrows were loosened, and Feng's eyes were smiling, "Yue'er, we have a baby."

"Yes, there is."

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes were gentler than ever before, and his eyes fell on his lower abdomen.

The child really came too suddenly, and the vitality was so strong that it broke through the effects of her medicine.

"Congratulations to Master Mo, congratulations to Mrs. Mo."

Doctor Xu smiled and handed the tissue to Qin Tianyue. Mo Yishen quickly took it and gently wiped Qin Tianyue's lower abdomen. The eyes were gentle and affectionate, and his fingertips gently touched her lower abdomen, as if greeting his child.

Qin Tianyue watched quietly, but did not stop his movements until he pulled his clothes well for himself and helped her up.

Dr. Xu quickly wrote the report and handed it to Mo Yishen, "Master Mo and Mrs. Mo, according to the examination just now, it has been determined that you are pregnant. Although the display is not very clear, it can be seen that there are two gestational sacs."

"Two gestational sacs?!"

Mo Yishen frowned slightly, seemingly puzzled.

Doctor Xu explained with a smile, "That is to say, Mrs. Mo is pregnant with twins, because the number of weeks of pregnancy is too few, it is still impossible to determine, if it is to be determined, it will take about eight weeks."

Although it is not particularly certain, as a senior gynecologist in the hospital, when he sees the gestational sac, he is already sure that he is pregnant with twins.

"Two kids?"

Qin Tianyue whispered and couldn't help but lower his head and look at his belly.

In other words, she is not pregnant with one, but two?

I thought it was just him, just a child, how can I know that they are actually two children now?

She and Mo Yishen are pregnant with two at once?

"Yes, congratulations to Mrs. Mo, congratulations to Master Mo."

Doctor Xu said softly.

Mo Yishen's body was straight. He stiffened when Dr. Xu said about the two children. It was not until Dr. Xu said congratulations again that Mo Yishen regained his senses and gave a faint hmm.

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen and heard how much excitement was contained in his um.

Can't help it, she personally took the pulse for herself, it was indeed Huamai, and it was really two children.

Qin Tianyue's body trembled slightly.

Doctor Xu glanced at Qin Tianyue. He seemed to have heard that Mrs. Mo knew medical skills and fortune-telling. Seeing how she took her pulse for herself, she did know medical skills. Since they knew medical skills, why they both came to the hospital again is a bit puzzled.

Seeing how the two were born as parents, Doctor Xu smiled faintly.

Obviously he is a powerful person, and at this moment he looks no different from ordinary people.


Mo Yishen hit and hugged Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue smiled softly at Doctor Xu, allowing Mo Yishen to hug him and leave.

She knew that Mo Yishen would definitely not let her down at this time, like a national treasure.

Doctor Xu watched the two leave with some emotion. The relationship between Lord Mo and Madam Mo is really good. No wonder the capital is rumored that Lord Mo loves Madam Mo as his life.

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