Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1729: Why did this man come here (burst 22 more)

Yun Jingxing, who was about to leave, suddenly heard a sound and looked up.

Xiao Huo watched the excitement and listened to Yun Jingxing's warning to Lu Jingyi, only to find it funny.

Seeing the excitement, there was still food not far away, and it quickly quietly took a lot of food and put it on the trunk. After eating a lot, it couldn't help but burp.

It's delicious, and you must let Tianyue buy it for her next time.

There are footsteps from far to near, the little fire is holding food in his mouth, and his wings are spreading to protect his food, for fear of being robbed. The expression is as funny as it is funny, and as cute as it is.

No one should be able to see it. The tree on which it is standing is very lush, so no one can see it.

Xiao Huo let go of his heart and was about to eat, but suddenly met a pair of smiling phoenix eyes, scared that the thing in Xiao Huo's mouth fell to the ground.

This...Why did this man come here?

Isn't he chatting with that man? How did you see it?

Yun Jingxing stood under the tree with his hands in his pockets, Junyi's pretty face with a smile, and raised his head to look at the funny and cute little fire on the tree.

"Little guy, why are you here?"

With a deep and mellow voice with a smile, Yun Jingxingfeng's eyes were smiling, and he couldn't help laughing.

He hadn't found it in the first place, and if it wasn't for a familiar voice that attracted him, he wouldn't have found it.

As soon as he saw it, he looked around vigilantly, as if he was afraid of being seen by others. It also used its wings to protect its food and still had food in its mouth. It was as cute as its small appearance.

It seems that I haven't seen this little guy for a while, and I don't know where to fly to beg for food.

Seeing it today, it seems that I have grown up a bit, and the color of my feathers has also changed a lot.

Xiao Huo was dumbfounded for a moment, and quickly recovered, hearing Yun Jingxing's question, couldn't help but glared at him.

You are a little guy, and your whole family is a little guy.

Yun Jingxing was taken aback, if he read it right, it seemed that he was glared at by something.

"Is it tasty?"

Looking at the way it protects the food, Yun Jingxing's cold appearance softens, it seems that he will be like an ordinary person only when facing this little guy.

Humph, the deliciousness is not yours either. Don't want to grab it with me.

Seeing it as if coldly sniffing, Yun Jingxing's thin lips raised slightly, and his handsome face was smiling.

I don't know where Qin Tianyue got the little things, like a person, it seems that he can really understand what they are saying.

"I haven't seen you for a while, have you gained weight?"

Yun Jingxing took a look at Xiaohuo and came to a conclusion that it seems that he has not seen him in just a few months. This little guy has really gained weight. Not only has he gained weight, he has also grown a little bit, but he is still very cute, especially staring. People.

Gain weight? ! Bah, where did it gain weight? It is very cute, no one can say it is fat except Tianyue.

Xiao Huo was very angry, and the consequence of his anger was to throw everything in his arms onto Yun Jingxing's body.

Yun Jingxing avoided a step, frowning slightly, "Are you angry?"

This little guy actually understands gaining weight? It's amazing.

Xiao Huo flew up, but she thought that this man was good before, but she actually said that he had gained weight, which was really annoying.

Xiao Huo flew up, looking at Yun Jingxing with contempt like a human, and flew away not far away.

After watching the little fire fly away, Yun Jingxing smiled helplessly, his gentle and handsome face was soft, and there were few things that could arouse his strange emotions, except for this little guy.

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