Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1735: Who is ugly, say it again (28 more)

There was a sound of water coming from the direction of the bathroom, Xiao Huo's eyes lit up, there was water, and it was time to drink.

It flew over in a daze in the direction of the sound of water.

Looking at a large glass door in front of him, Xiao Huo was confused, spreading his wings and wanted to rush in. It wanted to drink water. Why was there something blocking it.

It must rush in to drink water, it is too thirsty.

Xiao Huo tried his best to fly into the air and rushed towards the glass door, as if he wanted to smash the glass door.

Seeing that his head was about to hit the glass door, the glass door was opened at this time, and a tall, slender body came out.

Yunjing Xingguang is naked, and under the wheat-colored chest are eight charming abdominal muscles. The texture is distinct but not obtrusive. There are drops of water sliding down the abdominal muscles, ambiguous temptation.

Yun Jingxing's upper body was naked, and only a white bath towel was wrapped around her lower body. The small fire rushed directly into Yun Jingxing's arms, knocking his head dizzy.

As soon as Yun Jingxing opened the door, he found Xiao Huo rushing towards him as if he was dead, and subconsciously reached out and hugged Xiao Huo.

Xiao Huo only felt that she had hit something stiff, and the pain made her whimper, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

Yun Jingxing looked at the childish and lovely voice protruding from Xiao Huo's mouth, and an inexplicable weirdness surged in his heart.

This little guy didn't sound like Myna Parrot at all, but like a cute little girl in her ten years old, incredibly charming.

The most important thing is that its current sound doesn't look like a mechanical sound at all, but it really resembles the sound of people bumping into pain.

The inexplicable weirdness kept rushing to Yunjingxing's heart. If he changed to his previous self, he would definitely not believe that there would be magical things in this world.

Since waking up from a coma, he knew that this world really had things he didn't know, just as his soul seemed to have gone thousands of years ago and saw that unparalleled love.

What is this little guy of Qin Tianyue? He once checked that there is no such kind of bird. Several kinds of birds seem to be the same, but they are not the same, because they do not have the same red feathers and are gorgeous in the sun.

"Does it hurt? Who told you to throw me into my arms without knowing how to measure!"

Yun Jingxing restrained his weird thoughts, looked at the poor little Huo who was still crying in his arms, couldn't help but soften his heart, and reached out his hand to touch the little Huo's head.

Xiao Huo raised his head and was about to stare at Yun Jingxing, but felt something was wrong.

The white flowers in front of me are... the man's body!

How does a man's body look like this? The chest was flat and there was nothing.

It has seen Tianyue's body, which is uneven and looks much better than Yun Jingxing's body in front of him.


Xiao Huo struggled with disgust. It was a bit strange to stay in Yun Jingxing's arms. His body seemed to be a little hot. I don't know if it was because of eating too much, or drinking too much wine. Inexplicably hot, uncomfortable at all.


Some gritted teeth sounded, and black lines crossed Yun Jingxing's face. This little guy actually scolded him for being ugly?

Can't help but lift it from his arms and put it in front of him, watching it struggle with dissatisfaction, Yun Jingxing's mood seems to be much better.

"Who is ugly? You say it again?"

Yun Jingxing raised his thin lips and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to ravage the small fire.

Xiao Huo wanted to breathe fire at Yun Jingxing and scorch him. Who made him bully it.

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