Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1743: He wants to take her out of here (36 more)

He is going to find her, even if she is already with Mo Yishen now.

A sharp and inevitable light flashed in Lu Jingyi's Danfeng eyes.

Even if he confronted Mo Yishen, he still had to **** her back because she belonged to him and had nothing to do with Mo Yishen.

Standing up, Lu Jingyi took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Help me check Qin Tianyue."

He needs to know her current trend, know everything around her, so that it will be conducive to his actions.

She has obviously changed her personality in this life. He can't use softness, then use hardness. As long as she gets her, it doesn't matter if he pays the price. As long as she is with him and he treats her well, she will definitely let go of everything before. Be with him.

Lu Jingyi knew that he was crazy. If he hadn't had this dream, he might choose to give up slowly, but this dream seemed to be a sign that she belonged to him, so he wanted to **** her over, even if Fight against Mo Yishen.

He must plan everything so that Mo Yishen can't find them, and he wants to take her out of here.

In this life, he has been living at a loss. This time, let him be selfish. The Lu family is not the Su family and has a rich background. Grandpa and Mo Lao are close friends. The Lu family will never have any major incidents. He believes in Grandpa's abilities.

In April, the sun was shining. Qin Tianyue and Luo Mengfang were sitting in the back garden of the villa. Luo Mengfang was sewing on her own. She wanted to knit clothes for Qin Tianyue's future baby. She had no other abilities, so she could only do her best.

Qin Tianyue looked at the pile of thread **** in his hand, very weak.

She can practice medicine to save people, she can do fortune-telling and save people, and she can do many things, but she is powerless against these **** of yarn.

"Aunt Fang, you are really amazing."

Qin Tianyue was sitting in front of Luo Mengfang, Bai Chuxia was winding the ball of yarn thinly, listening to Qin Tianyue's words, couldn't help laughing.

Luo Mengfang raised his head and smiled, "I only have these skills."

"Mom's clothes are so beautiful."

Bai Chuxia picked up a knitted sweater and looked at the small and exquisite sweater. It is hard to imagine that a child is born so small, it seems that it is not much bigger than her slap.

Qin Tianyue looked at the clothes on Bai Chuxia's hands, her eyes softened.

The baby in her stomach has been two months now, and the little one stayed quietly in her stomach. After another seven months, they could come out.

"Why Uncle Qin hasn't come back after going out for so long?"

Bai Chuxia sat beside Qin Tianyue, smiling and talking.

Knowing that Qin Tianyue would eat at home today, Qin Jianan went out early in the morning to buy things and let Luo Mengfang rest at home. After Qin Jianan left, Qin Tianyue went from her and Mo Yishen’s home to the villa he bought.

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly and was about to speak when a text message came in from the mobile phone placed aside.

Qin Tianyue picked up the phone and glanced at it, his face sinking slightly.

"I'm going to make a call."

Qin Tianyue glanced at Luo Mengfang, who was still putting on a sweater, and spoke softly towards Luo Mengfang Bai Chuxia.


Bai Chuxia wrapped the wool around Luo Mengfang and nodded towards Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue got up and walked to one side, looking at the text message coming in on the phone, it was a picture of MMS.

In the picture, Qin Jianan was unconscious on a bed and fell asleep quietly.

A text message came in again under the picture. The text message probably means that if you don't want Qin Jian'an to have an accident, don't tell anyone.

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