Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1749: I love that man who is willing to give everything for me (burst 42 more)

Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing out loud. This man is still stubborn, thinking that she is still her former self?

"In this life, I have a husband who loves me, his children, my intact father, and all friends who love me. Do you think I will abandon everything for you?"

"What are you? After hurting me so deeply, why do you think I will forgive you, and still use ink to anger you deeply?"

"I was born again, and when I met Mo Yishen, I discovered that I have never loved you. I love Mo Yishen, the man who is willing to give everything for me."

"Lu Jingyi, what do you think you are, do you think I will wait for you in place? You hurt me so deeply. I haven't dealt with you in this life. You actually sent it to the door by yourself, and you did it yourself."

Qin Tianyue laughed coldly, and said the deepest words in his heart.

Lu Jingyi seemed to have been hit hard, his legs were soft, his face turned pale, and Zhang Junyi's face was unbelievable.

Qin Tianyue's words were like a sharp needle piercing his heart, making him unable to breathe.

"No, it's not like that. I regretted it in my last life. I wanted to find you, but you are already dead."

Lu Jingyi's low voice was choked.

Qin Tianyue laughed loudly, "You're looking for me? What are you looking for? Will you shoot me again?"

"I was deceived by your words. I entered the research institute and was researched by them every day and night. I deserved it. I thought you were good to me and thought you would take me back."

"But... Su Anxin came that day. She told me that you had never liked me before, and she liked her. She also told me that everything was your conspiracy."

"Later, those people threatened me with my father, asking me to be obedient. My father died to save me, and I died with those people. That fire was so good that it burned everything, but unfortunately, I'm dead, you are still alive."

"But... God has eyes, let me be born again, this life, I will come back to avenge."

Qin Tianyue's eyes were cold, the corners of his eyes were red, with a mockery, and the whole body exuded a cold breath.

"You hate me so, you really hate me so, even if I know I'm wrong, do you hate me?"

Lu Jingyi's heart aches terribly, as if suffocating in the next moment.

"Hate you, of course I hate you. If you didn't like me in the first place, you shouldn't use me to make me give so much."

Qin Tianyue raised her lips in a cold voice, she wanted to say these words for herself in the previous life.

"I know it's wrong, I want to find you, want to tell you what I want for you."

Lu Jingyi was unable to speak, knowing how ironic he was when he said this sentence.

After dreaming that dream, he wanted to avenge Qin Tianyue. He sent people to a neighboring city to find the mysterious research institute and destroyed it. However, he learned that a fire broke out there in the past few months and the people in the research institute Almost none came out alive.

He knew that Qin Tianyue must have done it, and she had come back for revenge.

She didn't deal with Sangqiu mother and daughter first, but destroyed the research institute that killed her first, in order to vent her inner hatred.

"Well for me? I don't need it."

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly. In this life, the last thing she needs is Lu Jingyi's mind.

Lu Jingyi held his chest in pain, and held the wall to breathe hard. He knew that he hurt Qin Tianyue deeply and wanted to make up for it, but she no longer needed it in this life.

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