Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1753: She is so deeply affectionate for Mo Yi (46 more)

The man walked to the woman's bed uncomfortably and looked at her like a dead person.

"Don't worry, I will let Mo Yishen pay the price. It was him who made us like this. I will definitely not let him go."

Over the years, he has been strengthening his power for revenge, even more than anyone else, in order to one day be able to fight Mo Yishen to the death.

The woman was pale, breathing shallowly, exhaling more and less air, as if she was about to die in the next moment.

She didn't give any response to the man, but just lay down quietly.

Lu Jingyi's car drove for two or three hours again, and several cars were driving towards a forested road. I don't know how much time passed before the car finally stopped.

Qin Tianyue wore black scarves on her eyes along the way, preventing her from seeing these roads, until she stopped, she had a chance to look here.

In the unfamiliar mountain forest, there was a villa that was not big or small. The villa looked a bit old, and there were many vines surrounding the whole villa.

Lu Jingyi walked to Qin Tianyue and softened his eyes, "We will rest here tonight. You are also tired. I will take you in."

"Need not."

Qin Tianyue spoke coldly, avoided Lu Jingyi, and walked inside.

Lu Jingyi's eyes were dim, watching Qin Tianyue walk into the villa, and instructed his people to watch carefully before entering the villa.

The villa is another stronghold of Lu Jingyi, and this time he arranged another place to rest. The outside of the villa looks old, but the inside is very clean.

Qin Tianyue entered the villa, stood in the lobby of the villa, looked around, as if thinking about something.

"Don't think about running away, you can't escape here."

In these places, he had already asked his people to check the surroundings, and he was sure that Qin Tianyue could not escape, and that those people would not be able to find them, so he would come here.

Qin Tianyue turned his back to Lu Jingyi, did not enter the room, but sat on the sofa in the lobby without saying a word.

"Do you really want to say nothing to me?"

Lu Jingyi stood not far from Qin Tianyue, with pain in his eyes.

If he knew his mind earlier in the previous life, would they not happen so much?

She obviously belongs to him. Why did she fall in love with the man Mo Yishen not long after she was born again, just because he is better than him?

"Do you think I have something to tell you?"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at Lu Jingyi indifferently.

She had finished speaking just now, and she didn't want to say anything else to him.

He kidnapped her father to threaten her, separated her from Mo Yishen, and thought he was affectionate, and she didn't want to talk to Lu Jingyi for a moment.

"I know that you hate me now, and you will know that I'm all for your good in the future."

"The person Mo Yishen is not as simple as what you see. From now on you..."

Lu Jingyi's words have not yet fallen, Qin Tianyue has looked at him coldly and interrupted him, "He doesn't need you to judge, is he good, I know that, Lu Jingyi, do you think you are qualified?"

Lu Jingyi's expression changed slightly. How could she be so affectionate for Mo Yi?


Lu Jingyi's throat hurts, and he can't refute a word.

The woman who took Qin Tianyue came up, holding a tray with some food in it.

"Boss, Miss Qin, have something to eat."

The woman put the food in the tray on the table. Because of the rush, she didn't prepare anything, only some bread and instant noodles.

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