Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1757: Mo Yishen, you are finally here (50 more)

She underestimated Qin Tianyue. She didn’t expect that she had such a good skill. She thought that this woman was only good at medical skills, but she knew that her skill was not weak at all. If Qin Jian’an hadn’t threatened her, how could they possibly be able to use her ability? Can you trap her?

Lu Jingyi kept looking at Qin Tianyue, the scene in front of him pierced his eyes, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

Qin Tianyue didn't even look behind him. After kicking the woman away, she ran in the direction of Mo Yishen, protecting her lower abdomen.

Before he ran to Mo Yishen, Mo Yishen stretched out his hand in several strides and hugged her tightly, "Yue'er!"

Qin Tianyue stretched out her hand to embrace Mo Yishen, closing her eyes satisfied with the smell of his aura, and only separated from him for just a few hours, she actually felt that a long, long time had passed.

She knew that he would come to rescue her, and no one would know how excited her heart was when she came.

"Mo Yishen, you are finally here."

The tip of Qin Tianyue's nose was slightly sour, and he couldn't help but raise his head to look at Mo Yishen, looking at the affection and worry in his eyes.

"Well, sorry for being late."

Mo Yishen's voice was low and dull, and his heart finally settled down at this moment.

"No, how could it be late?"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at him, "My babies and I are waiting for you. As long as you come, I will wait anytime."

"It won't be like this anymore, it will never happen again in the future."

Mo Yishen's voice is low and deep. She has been in the villa during this period of time, never going out, and never expected such a thing to happen.

"Mo Yishen, it's none of your business, no one expected it."

After Sangqiu's mother and daughter's accident, she asked Mo Wu Mo six to return to Mo Men. Her identity would not be provoked by people in Beijing, so she never thought that such a thing would happen, but she didn't expect Lu Jingyi to dare.


Mo Yishen couldn't restrain his pain, lowered his head and kissed Qin Tianyue deeply. It seemed that only in this way would he feel her by his side.

After knowing that she was missing, he almost failed to control himself. If Lu Jingyi dared to hurt her a point, he would pay back thousands of times.

Qin Tianyue leaned in Mo Yi's arms a little bit shyly, gently pushing him a bit, there were also Momen people, and Lu Jingyi, didn't he feel ashamed?

How could Mo Yishen take care of this? Everyone in Momen turned their heads wisely. Lord Mo and his wife kissed. Who would dare to watch?

"Mo Yishen, you let me go first."

Qin Tianyue struggled gently, and she could understand what Mo Yishen wanted to convey to her, the joy of recovering from loss, and the meaning of declaring war on Lu Jingyi.

Mo Yishen finally let go of Qin Tianyue, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes shot towards Lu Jingyi coldly.

"Damn you!"

Fortunately, his wife has nothing to do, otherwise he would not stand here now, but immediately stepped forward to kill Lu Jingyi. His wife is also something he can covet?

"Damn me? Haha, Mo Yishen, why is God treating you so kindly?"

Lu Jingyi had ruddy eyes and resentment in his eyes. He had been jealous of Mo Yishen many years ago, and now that Mo Yishen has obtained Qin Tianyue, the jealousy in his heart can no longer be suppressed.

"Do you know that she is mine? From the beginning, she was mine. Why did you steal her?"

Lu Jingyi's expression was a little crazy, just like Su Anxin's death, they couldn't get out of their own demons, and they were gradually controlled by them.

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