Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1776: Hurt my wife, **** it (69 more)

Xing Feng stood in the midst of the hurricane, looked at Mo Yishen sullenly, and shouted, everything in the air moved towards Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen stood on the spot, the flying objects reflected in his phoenix eyes.

The hurricane-like tornado seemed to cause them to be swept into the air in the next moment, smashed and killed.

"Hurt my wife, I want you to die without a place to bury you."

Mo with a deep, cold and **** voice is like a devil from hell, and a bloodthirsty color flashes under his eyes, his aura is more terrifying than ever, and it makes people look scared.

"Just relying on you, what if you have psychic powers, can it be better than me?"

Xing Feng laughed wildly, with sarcasm, his stern eyes shot towards Mo Yishen, driving the tornado towards Mo Yishen.

Qin Tianyue was a little anxious, afraid that Mo Yishen would have an accident. After all, he is still injured now, no matter how strong he is, he definitely cannot be Xing Feng's opponent.


As soon as Qin Tianyue's words were uttered, he looked at the darkness, a slender and tall figure headed towards the tornado very fast and strangely at a speed that the naked eye could not see.

Mo Yishen crossed the tornado, ignoring the fierce horror of the tornado, his whole person seemed to have torn the tornado to pieces, and headed towards Xing Feng.

In a few seconds, in just a few seconds, he grabbed Xing Feng's neck and directly lifted him up.

Xing Feng's eyes were horrified and unbelievable, ", impossible, impossible."

Xing Feng breathed hard. He thought he could kill Mo Yishen, Qin Tianyue and others immediately, but he knew that a black shadow shattered his power in the darkness, and before he could react, it had already pinched him. He was lifted up by the neck.

"Hurt my wife, **** it!"

There seemed to be an invisible force in Mo Yishen's body that was also running away. It was not visible, but it was even more terrifying than Xing Feng. The surrounding aura suddenly became gloomy and cold, as if it had formed a thick layer of ice. Frozen everyone in place, unable to move.

Meier didn't come back to her senses until more than ten seconds later, and she couldn't believe what happened before her.

The man's power is unfathomable, but she still feels that his power can block Mo Yishen's mental abilities, but in fact, he has never really exhausted his full strength.

Meier couldn't help backing up a few steps, watching Xing Feng being clasped by her neck, she couldn't step forward to save him, because she knew that she was not Mo Yishen's opponent at all, she was injured by that woman, and now The whole body is still in pain.

"Go on, save Xing Feng."

Mei'er spoke sharply at her own person, and the remaining dozen people, even if they were afraid, did not dare to delay, they rushed towards Mo Yishen.

There was a voice outside the door, a large number of people were coming, Meier's complexion changed drastically, could it be that the people from Mo Yishen came, damn, they still missed the best time, and thought to the effect that they could catch Mo Yishen, but did not expect this man It's not easy to deal with, and the woman of his wife is not easy to deal with.

Meier's eyes flashed and she clenched her teeth. This was the first time she failed on a mission. She had known that she shouldn't have been chasing after she had hurt Mo.

Meier walked towards the wall of the yard, threw a poisonous smoke bomb, jumped up on the wall, and quickly escaped.

Qin Tianyue covered her belly and watched Mei'er leave. Her people didn't seem to think that Mei'er would leave like this. They stopped, struggling whether to deal with Mo Yishen or follow along.

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