Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1781: You let me down, you are still injured (explosive 74 more)

If she hadn't lost so much spiritual power, she might use spiritual power to heal the wounds deeply, so that his wounds would heal faster.

She had already used the best medicine, and Mo Yishen's injury still needed a day's work for the surface to really scab.

"I'm fine."

Holding her hand tightly, looking at her worried face, Mo Yi couldn't help himself with affection, lowered his head and kissed Qin Tianyue's cheek.

Qin Tianyue closed her eyes and let Mo fall on her cheeks with a deeply loving kiss, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

Her child...

Qin Tianyue raised his head and stroked his still flat belly.

Her hand was covered with a slender palm. Qin Tianyue raised her head to Shangmo with affectionate and soft eyes, and smiled softly at him, "They are very strong, even after so many things, they will definitely look like you in the future."

Her husband is so powerful, their children must be even more powerful.

"Well, boys are like me, girls are like you."

Mo Yishen's soft gaze fell on Qin Tianyue's lower abdomen, and Qin Tianyue gave him an annoyed look, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl again?"

She has never taken the initiative to distinguish whether it is a boy or a girl. It is actually not very accurate whether the pulse of Chinese medicine can detect a boy or a girl. Of course, with her ability, there is no problem at all.

But she didn't do that, because whether it was a boy or a girl, it was both herself and Mo Yishen's treasure.


Mo Yishen slightly curled his lips, Qin Tianyue leaned against his arms and raised the corners of his lips. The smiles between the two were very similar, both with a longing for the future.

"Let's go back."

It’s been a lot of time in the space, and the outside should be pretty much cleaned up. They shouldn’t stay here any longer to avoid any bad things happening again.


Mo Yishen nodded, and hugged Qin Tianyue horizontally, "You are tired, lean on my arms and take a good rest."

"I'm not tired, you let me down, are you still hurt?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen's still pale complexion, and felt distressed and uncomfortable when he thought of Mo Yishen's unconsciousness just now.

Fortunately, he is fine, otherwise, as he said, she doesn't know what it will become.


Mo Yishen did not let go of Qin Tianyue, and went out of space with her.

Mo Xiao and Mo Yan had already cleaned up the corpses. Except for the mess in the yard, there was nothing wrong with them. Even if someone came here, they wouldn't know what happened.

Seeing that the room door was opened, Mo Yan and Mo Xiao spoke respectfully, "Master Mo, Madam."

Mo Yan had never seen Mo Yishen's poisoning situation at the time. Mo Xiao mentioned earlier that he was shocked when he knew that Mo Yan was almost dead. He came here and saw that Mo Yishen was fine. Take a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the wife Mo was looking for was his wife, otherwise something would definitely happen.

"go back!"

Facing the Mo Xiao Mo Yan, Mo Yishen recovered his usual coldness and nobility, and there was not the slightest temperature in the phoenix eyes.

Mo Yan did not dare to delay, and quickly nodded.

Qin Tianyue buried his head in Mo Yi's arms, a certain man didn't let her go, so many of his own people looked at him, and they didn't know what to think of her.

After getting in the car, Mo Yishen still didn't let her go. Qin Tianyue stopped struggling. He didn't know if he was too tired. He fell asleep shortly after getting in the car.

When he woke up, he had already returned to a familiar room with a familiar chest beside him. Qin Tianyue opened his eyes for a while and saw that the sky was still dark outside before falling asleep again.

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