Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1785: He actually married a wife (78 more)

That woman actually had the same mental powers as Mo Yishen, and she was not weak.

Even her psychic abilities are very strange.

"Qin Tianyue!"

The low and **** voice came from the man's mouth, and Meier's heart moved, she would never be able to refuse him, even if she just heard his **** voice, she felt her chest hot.

"He actually married a wife? I thought it would be impossible for someone like him to marry a wife in this life."

The man laughed coldly, his grudges and grievances in this life are either you die or I live.

"How does Mo Yishen treat her?"

The man looked at Mei'er kneeling on the ground with a frightening look. The plan failed. He should kill her. If it weren't for her good abilities, he would not keep her after having been with him for so many years.

"Mo Yishen loved this woman very much and killed Xing Feng for her."

When Meier thought of Mo's crazy appearance last night, she went so far as to break through Xing Fengfeng's mental power, and directly pinched Xing Feng's neck.

Thinking of that picture, Meier felt that her back was still cold.

"Love?! He would love someone?"

The man laughed, with a sarcasm on his face, "He even allows himself to have weaknesses, love? I want to see how much he loves?"

As if to play a game, the man spoke coldly, his eyes falling coldly on Mei'er.

Meier's head hung down, "Meier is willing."

Following a man for so many years, he knows what he is going to do in just a few words, as long as he wants her to do it, she is willing, only begging him to let her stay by his side.

The man smiled sternly, there were eager footsteps in the corridor, and at the door, an ordinary-looking woman lowered her head and looked a little panicked, "Master...madam...she..."

Without waiting for the woman to speak more, the man ran toward the door extremely fast, dashing towards the room.

The woman was about to leave, but Meier grabbed her hand, "Anu, what's wrong with Madam?"

"Mrs. She... she has no breath."

The woman Anu just reported was trembling with fear. She is the one who takes care of the wife. The wife has always been alive. In recent years, she still has weak breathing. During this time, her breathing is getting weaker and weaker. Today, she found that the madam’s breathing has stopped, which scared her at all. Don't dare to delay, come to the master immediately.

There was an accident with the owner, and she couldn't imagine what the owner would become.

"What did you say?"

Mei'er trembled slightly, but there was a touch of joy in her heart, and she was immediately thrown away.

If something happens to the wife, the master will definitely go crazy, and she will definitely be killed by the master if she dares to show anything wrong.

She knows that the wife is the life of the master, and if she is gone, the master does not know what it will be like.

"Madam, Madam has something wrong, Master Meier, if Madam dies, will I die? I don't want to die."

Anu was very scared, Meier ignored Anu and ran towards the master's room with strides.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the man’s grief, with tearing pain, Meier's complexion changed. Standing at the door, looking at the dim room, the tall man hugged the breathless woman, tears streaming down her eyes. .

Meier's heart hurts badly. She has never seen him cry. Only for the sake of his wife will he become like an ordinary person, crying and sad.

The wife is not very beautiful, except for being poisonous, she can't do anything. Why can she be loved by her master, because she saved her master in the first place?

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