Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1793: The memory of Bai Chuxia (burst 6 more)

Qin Tianyue's words made Bai Chuxia shook his head, and stopped talking, seeming to want to say something, but in the end he just sighed.

"Is there something you want to say?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Bai Chuxia and saw that her expression was hesitant to speak, and she didn't know when she was entangled in her heart.

"Sister Yue, I have recently... something, I'm afraid you might not believe it if you tell it."

Bai Chuxia frowned tightly, and Qingli's somewhat immature face was full of tangles.

She doesn't know what's going on recently. She always loves to dream. The dream is too strange. She dreams of Sister Yue and her brother-in-law. The strange thing is that in her dream, both of them are in fancy dresses, as if they were in ancient times.

"What's the matter? As long as you say Sister Yue, you will believe it."

Seeing Bai Chuxia's appearance, Qin Tianyue was slightly puzzled as to what caused Chuxia to be so entangled.

"I...I was having a dream recently."

Bai Chuxia raised her head to look at Qin Tianyue, bit her lip slightly, and finally said it. She still didn't want to keep Qin Tianyue from it. It might be better to say it.

She didn't know what was going on. In the dream, she was not called Sister Yue, but Sister Shiyue.

"Dream? What kind of dream?"

Bai Chuxia thought for a while, and said in a low voice and paused from time to time, "A very strange dream. There are you and brother-in-law in the dream, but you are wearing ancient clothes."

"And I am the girl you rescued, without a name, the last name you gave me."

"I watched you and brother-in-law fall in love in a dream, and I am happy for you."

"But... in the end, you died in my brother-in-law's arms. My heart hurts, and it hurts so much. I asked my brother-in-law, he killed you."

Bai Chuxia trembled a little, speaking intermittently, with fear in his eyes.

She didn't know what dream this was, and she was afraid that this dream was a sign.

"Sister Yue, I called you Sister Shiyue in my dream. I don't know why I called you Sister Shiyue."

Listening to Bai Chuxia's voice, Qin Tianyue was a little shocked.

Did you dream of these in early summer? She said Shiyue and that she and Mo Yishen wore ancient clothes. Could it be... Qin Shiyue and Yingshen?

How could you dream of these in early summer? Could it be that there are memories of the previous life in early summer, just like Yunjingxing, but after the accident, the soul has gone thousands of years ago, and then there is the memory of the previous life.

But Bai Chuxia didn't pass through anything, but had memories of the last life.

She never knew that Chu Xia was actually related to Qin Shiyue Yingshen. If she and Mo Yishen were indeed Qin Shiyue Yingshen from the previous life, that means Chu Xia was related to their previous life.

Bai Chuxia liked her very much the first time she saw her, and was attached to her. Could it be that Qin Shiyue in the previous life saved her? In this life, her remnants of memory made her attached to her who was exactly the same as Qin Shiyue.

Also, she remembers that she didn't like Mo Yishen the first time she saw it in early summer. Could it be because...

"In the early summer, you told Sister Yue, why did you dislike him when you first met your brother-in-law."

Qin Tianyue asked in a low voice, Bai Chuxia raised his head and looked at Qin Tianyue blankly.

"I don't know, I seem to... I always feel that my brother-in-law will hurt you, Sister Yue, I didn't mean it, and I don't know why. Seeing my brother-in-law treat you well, I feel ashamed of my previous thoughts."

Bai Chuxia bit her lower lip, Qin Tianyue reached out and touched Bai Chuxia's lower lip, not allowing her to bite her lip.

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