Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1807: No one will bother us anymore (burst 20 more)


The man's eyes fell on Mei'er, and Mei'er trembled, gritted his teeth and left.

"No one will bother us anymore, Susu, how can you be so cruel?"

The man slammed the icicle beside him frantically, and the icicle was directly broken by his hand.

The whole body hurts terribly, he knows, this is the poison in his body tormenting him again.

All this was bestowed by Mo Yishen, and one day he will all return to Yishen.

Now that man is accompanied by a woman with amazing medical skills. Poisoning is useless, he can only think of another method.

Meier has been waiting outside the ice room, listening to the movement inside, clenching her nails on the wall, clenching her teeth.

I don't know how long I waited, the door of the ice chamber was opened, and the slender figure walked out from inside. Seeing this, Meier felt a little distressed, and respectfully followed the man.

The man's footsteps are steady, his movements are very light, and he paces every step of the way.

"Bring my things."

The man entered the dim room, sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and calmed down.


Meier looked at the man, and in the dim room, she could only vaguely see the handsome outline of the man.

After having been with a man for so long, of course she knew what was in the man's mouth. It was the poison he suppressed in his body, the poison that his wife once refined.

"Meier, don't even you listen to me?"

The man's sharp eyes opened in the dimness, like a pack of wolves waiting for their prey.

"No, Meier dare not."

Mei'er trembled all over, did not dare to speak any more, turned around to get the man's medicine.

Soon, a jet black pill was taken by Mei'er, and the man took it and swallowed it directly.

There was a blazing fire burning in his chest, pain tortured him, and fine sweat on his forehead uncomfortably, and finally slowly calmed down.


Meier suddenly knelt in front of the man on one knee, "Mo Yishen's wife's medical skills are amazing. She can even detoxify the corrosive poison so quickly, why not let her detoxify you?!"

It was after Meier thought for a long time that she dared to speak to the man boldly. She knew that if a man kept taking this poison, the body would definitely not be able to bear it in the long run.

"What did you say?"

The man's stern voice sounded in the darkness.

Meier looked painful under the pressure of the man, "If you don't detoxify, your body will not be able to stand it."

"Do you think I will beg Mo Yishen's wife?"

The man laughed coldly. How could that woman save him so much?


"Shut up."


Meier has been kneeling on the ground, the man turned on the lamp beside him, and his white jaw was looming.

Since the lamp was turned on, Mei'er has been hanging her head down, not daring to look at the man at all.

The man's eyes fell on a yellowed book, and a brocade box next to the book.

The slender fingers picked up the book, flipping through it intermittently.

Meier's heart aches, this is the result of pain and distress entanglement.

"Have the remaining beads fallen?"

A deep voice without any temperature reverberated in the room.

Meier was taken aback, and shook her head quickly, "No, Meier will definitely work hard for people to find it, and will definitely find the remaining Sky Xingzhu...rescue Madam."

"Go down!"

The man's cold voice sounded in the dimness, and Meier got up from the ground, bowed her head and walked out of the room.

Standing at the door, Meier looked at the closed door with a painful expression.

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