Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1909: Mo Yishen, I'm back (six more)

He seemed to hear it, and he wanted to step forward, but stopped at that moment, and her joyful heart sank instantly.

Yes, Mo Xiao and Mo Yan both said that he had amnesia, and he didn't remember her anymore.

But at that moment, he still seemed to have a memory. It was the deepest memory in his heart. Even if he had forgotten her, he still subconsciously wanted to hug her.

No hurry, it's enough to find him, they still have a lot of time.

Covering his emotions, Qin Tianyue took a deep breath and walked towards Mo Yishen.

In the darkness, she slowly approached him, her blurred face gradually becoming clear.

The reflection of his eyes was full of her charming appearance, she was smiling lightly at him, and his figure was also in the bottom of her eyes, she kept looking at him, as if she couldn't see enough.

Two years, separated from him for two years, her eyes are full of longing, trying to suppress her missing, just want to quietly look at him.

God knows, she wanted to plunge into his arms and tell her how much she missed him.

But looking at the stranger in his eyes, she didn't dare.

She has forgotten her because of her deep ink.

Maybe it was the sunrise. Mo Yan had investigated it before she came. Mo Yishen did come here at the Xuanmen night that day.

She went to the winning dynasty a thousand years ago, but he came here after an accident.

She forgot what happened to her in the space-time tunnel. Perhaps it was some accident that caused them to separate and Mo Yishen forgot about him.

Her heart hurts terribly, and his strangeness made her want to collapse, but she couldn't, because she had to go home with him and see her children together.

"Mo Yishen, I'm back."

"Mo Yishen, I found you."

"Mo Yishen, I... miss you so much."

She whispered in a low voice, whether he heard it or not.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were reddish, and her vision seemed to be blurred in front of him, but he did not notice that Mo Yishen's pupils shrank slightly, because of her words and her face moved.

Mo Yishen had been dreaming, he had forgotten everything, but he could not forget the girl in the dream.

Who is she? Why can't he forget it? Her voice is always in the dream, but she can't always see her face, no matter how hard he tries.

Seeing the girl in front of him walking towards him, a heart without any waves fluctuated unexpectedly.


A female voice rang behind her, and a woman in her twenties ran up and looked at Qin Tianyue vigilantly. When she saw her face, the woman's eyes flashed with surprise, more jealous, "Who are you? ?"

Listening to the woman's unceremonious questioning, Qin Tianyue's charming face flashed cold, who is she, she is Mo Yishen's wife.

"Who am I related to you?"

Obviously it was his wife, she couldn't speak at this moment, just because of his total amnesia, the strangeness under his eyes stung her heart, fearing that it would become a joke in the end.

"You...I'm nameless...Landlord Fengjiao, if it's okay, don't bother Wuming."

Feng Jiao raised her head and looked at Qin Tianyue disdainfully.

This woman probably admires namelessness, not one or two, she has to drive away this woman.

When I first saw Wuming, it was a man who accompanied him to rent in her house. Despite the opposition of her parents, she asked her parents to rent the house to Wuming at a low price.

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