Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 814: Then you have to pay a price (one more)

She Su Anxin has never been able to get what she wants, but it is a broken restaurant that would not let her go in and sit. Seeing how she cleans up the restaurant later, as long as there is something unsatisfactory, she will definitely hold it.

"Miss, it's not that I don't want you to sit in the box. If you don't book the box in advance, if you really want to sit in the box, you will need to give you an extra box fee of 10,000 yuan."

Fu Qiang was not afraid to offend Su Anxin and others. Since Qin Tianyue told him that, she also said that she was completely dissatisfied with these young ladies and girls. Since he was dissatisfied, of course he could not be polite.

I don't know when these people offended his boss. Since they offended, then they have to pay a little price.

"What? Ten thousand yuan?"

Kang Jiajia couldn't help but lost control and said, is she the first time she heard that she would pay 10,000 yuan for sitting in a box? Ten thousand yuan is equivalent to her pocket money for half a month.

Su Anxin stared at Konjiajia with a cold face. After receiving Su Anxin's gaze, Konjiajia quickly retracted his gaze, not daring to speak any more.

Su Anxin looked at Fu Qiang arrogantly, "It's just 10,000 yuan, just take us there."

Fu Qiang smiled and stretched out his hand, "Please here."

Su Anxin coldly retracted his gaze and snorted coldly.

She only had one hundred thousand yuan in pocket money for a month, and Sang Qiu secretly gave her a lot, but she would spend all the money every month and never left it.

This month is already the end of the month, and the money she has on hand is almost the same. Now she has to pay 10,000 yuan for the box fee. She can only bear it. For her own face, for the face of Miss Su, she can only Gritting his teeth to give money.

If she turns around and leaves now, these people will think that she, Miss Su, is still here as a big boss. She can't be looked down upon. Since these people dare to insult her, she will definitely not make it to them.

The order is what Fu Qiang personally ordered for Su Anxin.

Su Anxin sits on the main seat, Qi Qing sits on her right, and both of them have a recipe book in their hands.

Qi Qing's complexion changed slightly when she saw the price of the vegetables. A plate of vegetables here costs hundreds of dollars.

For them, the price is not too expensive, but after seeing these prices, they feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Anxin's face was cold the whole time. It was not that she had never eaten a restaurant that was more expensive than this, but it was the first time that she saw her eyes hurt and her whole body was uncomfortable.

Standing in front of a few people, Fu Qiang kept showing a small smile, "Miss Su, I don't know what you want to eat, do you need me to introduce you to the characteristics of our restaurant?"

"No need, do you think I haven't eaten anything?"

Su Anxin said in a cold voice, glanced at the price on the recipe, and said in a deep voice, "Are the dishes in your restaurant marked with the wrong price?"

"Ms. Su joked. The prices in our restaurant are clearly marked. They are a bit more expensive than ordinary restaurants, but the taste and ingredients in our restaurant are the best. After Miss Su tastes it, I will know if I have falsehood. NS."

Fu Qiang smiled professionally, and a young lady sitting on the other side of Su Anxin said disdainfully, "Is it as good as you said?"

They haven't eaten anything delicious. This is the first time that a restaurant dared to be so confident in front of them. Last time there was a restaurant so confident. After being tasted by them, they criticized it for nothing, and then it didn't take long to close the door.

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